The Yogyakarta Principles are a set of principles on the application of international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity.
《日惹原则》是指一系列与性倾向和性别认同相关的国际人权法律之应用的原则。 |
The Yonghegong Lama Temple is a famous Tibetan lamasery. But it has characters of imperial palace because of its history .
一皇家园林建筑,因由原行宫改建,所以保留了大量的皇家建筑特点,例如狮子等。 |
The Yongli brand cellular glass products and thermal insulation system supplied by the company are top advanced in China.
公司提供的永丽牌泡沫玻璃产品及其保温系统均达到国内先进水平。 |
The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road.
这个少先队员扶着盲人过了马路。 |
The Young Pioneers performed very well in our civilized community.
林:你看,在这文明的社区里,我们的少先队员表现得多么出色。 |
The Young Pioneers the rooms for twice a week .
3少先队员们为老人们一周两次打扫房间。 |
The Youth Games, which will attract 1,400 Special Olympics athletes from all 57 national Programs in Europe/Eurasia, will be held 30 September–5 October in Rome, Italy.
这次的青少年比赛,将吸引来自欧亚地区总共57个项目的1400名特奥运动员,比赛将于9月30日至10月5日在意大利罗马举行。 |
The Youth Justice Board said the indiscriminateuse of the term could encourage young people to join gangs and commit more serious crimes.
「青年司法理事会」说,「不分青红皂白」的使用此一辞汇,可能会鼓励年轻人加入帮派,犯下更严重的罪行。 |
The Yuan Yang Rice has the translucent, sweet grain.
原阳县地处黄河故道,水资源丰富,日夜温差大,适宜水稻生长。 |
The Yucai Middle school and old private residential building is located at the west, 1st phase of Sculpture Park at the south, underground substation at the east and Shanhaiguan Road at the North.
基地西侧是育才中学和一部分保留的上海老式民宅,南侧为雕塑公园一期,东侧为地下变电站和雕塑公园二期,北侧为山海关路。 |
The Yujialing mine's production license had expired before the explosion, Xinhua said. The mine owner and manager have been detained by police, it added.
拘新华社报道:玉家岭煤矿的开采营业执照在发生爆炸之前已过期,并且有消息称矿主和相关领导已被当地公安机关拘留. |