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Leadership is about taking the risk of managing meaning.

Leadership and teamwork are necessary to initiiate the process through pilot-demonstration projects with a view to making it part of routine practice. 必要有领导能力与团队合作经由前导性的示范计画,以使其成为例行执业的一部份,来启动此过程。
Leadership certainly plays a vital role, but individual team member attitudes make the difference. 领导能力当然起了一个很关键的作用,但团队成员的态度也会造成不同影响。
Leadership deals with the top line: What are the things I want to accomplish? 用德鲁克和本尼斯两人的话,就是:管理是把事情做得正确,领导是做正确的事情。
Leadership has become the universal vitamin C pill,Everyone wants mega doses of it. 领导已成了万用的维他命C丸,每个人都希望大量服用。
Leadership is a vital aspect in any large scale incident. 在任何大规模突发事件中,领导角色至关重要。
Leadership is about taking the risk of managing meaning. 领袖就要承担管理风险。
Leadership now needs to see the potential for measurable gains and ROI from successful pilots. 领导现在需要看到试点的可预计的收益潜力和投资回报率。
Leadership training, at all levels, especially a review of the Incident Command System, particularly below Battalion Chief level. 在各个级别进行领导能力的培训,特别是检视事故指挥系统,尤其是低于队长以下的级别。
Leading Boston VC firms will be participating in the rounds. 波士顿主要的创投公司将参与这个练习。
Leading City bankers often complain about the government's relative lack of interest in London as a financial centre or its ability to maintain its position in the face of competition from New York and Asia. 金融城的知名银行家们经常抱怨,英国政府对于伦敦作为金融中心的地位不甚关心,也不太关注面对纽约和亚洲的竞争伦敦在能否保住其地位。
Leading City figures have been concerned by a range of issues, including the Treasury's 0.5 per cent stamp duty on all share transactions, yielding the government £2bn ($3.5bn, ?2.9bn) a year. 金融城的大人物一直对一系列问题表示担忧,包括财政部对所有股票交易征收0.5%印花税的问题。这项税收每年为政府带来20亿英镑(35亿美元)收入。

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