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Now he's mixing rap and Chinese opera and fusing pop tunes with indigenous Tibetan music.

Now he would have more time for his mission. 现在他有更多时间去完成他的使命。
Now he's down and out. 现在,他是一贫如洗,什么也没了。
Now he's getting towards retirement age he's started playing golf. 他因接近退休年龄, 就打起高尔夫球来了.
Now he's headed into the Bronx, where he is 0-1 with a 9.00 ERA in one career start at Yankee Stadium. 现在,他将面对洋基的炮手群,生涯只有一次在洋基球场登板,0胜1败,自责分率9.00。
Now he's hopeful Yao and T-Mac will get him a third trophy. 现在,他期待姚明和麦蒂能给他带来第三枚戒指。
Now he's mixing rap and Chinese opera and fusing pop tunes with indigenous Tibetan music. 现在,他把饶舌和中国戏曲、流行音乐和原生态的西藏音乐结合在了一起。
Now he's started on his hobbyhorse. 现在他又开始老调重弹了。
Now he, who once declaimed against authorities, is himself an authority, and the young men venerate him, and fear him. 现在一时曾辩讲是反权威的他,他自己是权威了,而且年轻人们尊敬他,畏惧他。
Now hear in summation from Me, O Arjuna, how one achieving the perfection of cessation of reactions attains the supreme state of knowledge. 现在,听“我”总结一下,阿诸那啊,人怎样才能通过终止因果报应,获得圆满,从而达到智慧的最高境界。
Now hear the word of the Lord, O you women, And let your ear receive the word of His mouth; Teach your daughters wailing, And everyone her neighbor a dirge. 耶9:20妇女们哪、你们当听耶和华的话、领受他口中的言语.又当教导你们的儿女举哀、各人教导邻舍唱哀歌。
Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see; Who have ears but do not hear. 耶5:21愚昧无知的百姓阿、你们有眼不看、有耳不听、现在当听这话。

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