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The information also provide the necessary resonant characteristics to help the system integration of the SRS sensing module with other automobile components and structures.

The information I've collected over last few years&nbs p;leads me to believe that artistic and cultu ral projects may be less useful than many&nbs p;governments think. 这些年我收集的信息让我相信这些文化、艺术项目并没有许多政府想象的那么重要。
The information I've collected over last& nbsp;few years leads me to believe that this& nbsp;knowledge may be less useful than most p eople think. 从这几年我搜集的信息来看,这些知识并没有人们想象的那么有用。
The information I've collected over last& nbsp;few years leads me to believe that this& nbsp;knowledge may be less useful than most p eople think. 从这几年我搜集的信息来看,这些知识并没有人们想象的那么有用。
The information about the monitoring module contains the items as follows: “System version number”, “System check code”. 监控模件有以下项目——“系统版本号”、“系统校验码”。
The information age has opened the door to white-collar crime. 信息时代为脑力劳动违法者(注:指依靠智力和知识进行犯罪活动的人)打开了大门。
The information also provide the necessary resonant characteristics to help the system integration of the SRS sensing module with other automobile components and structures. 此研究所测试计算之资料可供设计汽车安全气囊感测系统模组结构及组装之参考以协助系统整合。
The information are not intended to give any implication or legal guarantee as to the nature and specific application of products. 本资料既未暗示,也未从法律上保证产品的某种性质以及保证产品适合于某种特定的用途。
The information below was compiled by our correspondent. 以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。
The information can be decoded using the results of the measurement as the key [see “Quantum Teleportation,” by Anton Zeilinger; Scientific American, April 2000]. 利用测量的结果当做钥匙,可用以将资讯解码(见延伸阅读3)。
The information can be divided into three types. 这些数据大体可以分为三类。
The information collected in this database is strictly confidential and will not be sold, distributed or otherwise publicized outside of the Usability Research Group. 收集到数据库中的信息是严格保密的,不会被出卖,散步或泄漏到可用性研究团体之外去。

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