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His counsel represented him in court.

His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill. 他的小屋在山的缓坡上。
His couch cost an arm and a leg. 他买沙发花了不少钱。
His cough is dry, producing no phlegm. 他是干咳,没有痰。
His cough is more like wheezing. 他的咳嗽有呼哧呼哧的响声。
His cough was not so severe as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood. 他的咳嗽已经不像以前那样厉害,痰里也不再有血斑了。
His counsel represented him in court. 他的辩护律师代表他出庭。
His countenance fell. 他愁眉不展。
His countenance was radiant and tears flowed from his eyes. 他的面部容光焕发,泪水在他的眼珠上滚动着。
His country cottage turned out to be an enormous bungalow. 他的“乡下房子”原来是一座大平房。
His country's efforts to engage North Korea had been intended to change the North's behaviour, but an increasing number of South Koreans see little to show for it. 韩国约束朝鲜的努力意在改变朝鲜的行事方式,但越来越多的韩国人看不到这一政策显示的效果。
His courage and presence of mind earned him the admiration of his friends. 他的勇敢和沉着博得了朋友们的赞扬。

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