At the other end of the market, people with an occasional science craving can satisfy it at, say, the Nature Company.
在这个市场的另一头,是一些偶尔对科学有所需求的人士;他们可以从「自然公司」这样的地方取得所需。 |
At the other end of the size spectrum are super off-price malls that consist of a large variety of value-oriented retailers, including factory outlet stores, department store close-out outlets, and category killers in an enclosed megamall (up to 2 million
按购物中心体量计它的另一端是“超级平价摩尔”,它容纳了各种价值导向型的零售商,包括工厂直销、百货店的退场甩卖和“品类杀手”——组装在一个百万平方(英尺)的摩尔(二百万平方英尺以上)中。 |
At the other end of the spectrum, high-error-rate (4 percent) random sampling of the genome has proved useful for discovery and classification of various RNA and tissue types.
从另一角度来看,对基因组随机取样定序,即使误差高(4%),却对发现和区分各种RNA和组织类型极为有用。 |
At the other extreme, the faintest known rings, such as Jupiter's rings and Saturn's outermost rings, have optical depths between 10–8 and 10–6.
在另一个密度极小的极端情况当中,已知最模糊的行星环,如木星环与土星的最外环,其光深度只有10-8到10-6。 |
At the our country, because of everyplace GSM what operator adopt wireless equipments dissimilarity, so it the wireless covariance item will have differentiation.
先谢谢大家支持我在我国,由于各地GSM运营商所采用的无线设备不同,因此其无线统计项会有所区别。 |
At the output of the active gain circuits is the master level control.
在有源增益电路的输出端是主音量控制。 |
At the outset CoCo, the book's female protagonist, announces that her Number One idol is Henry Miller, and not without cause.
主人公倪可开篇就宣布自己的头号偶像是亨利.米勒,这不无道理。 |
At the outset of WWII the British were in Egypt and the Suez Canal, which acted as a crucial link to much of the British Empire was of the utmost strategic importance.
在二战爆发时,英军驻防的埃及和苏伊士运河是将大半个英帝国连接起来的要津,具有头等战略重要性。 |
At the outset of her career she was full of optimism but not now.
她事业伊始十分乐观, 但现在已今非昔比了. |
At the outset of her career she was full of optimism but not now.
她事业伊始十分乐观,但现在已今非昔比了. |
At the outset of his career,he was full of ambition but not anymore.
在事业刚开始时, 他踌躇满志,但是 现在却变了. |