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Ten couples took the floor.

Ten bankruptcies were recorded in this town last year. 去年这个镇已有十起破产事件。
Ten basic errors in the hours after the abduction could have given the kidnapper time to flee abroad and wrecked vital forensic evidence at the crime scene. 诱拐事件后的几个小时里的十个基本的错误可以给予绑架者时间逃亡国外和销毁犯罪现场的极其重要的证据。
Ten bottles are put into a box and 100 boxes into a carton. 10支装入一小盒,100盒装入一个纸箱。
Ten built-in measuring methods cover the most common applications and you can customize these to suit your needs. 内置十种最常用的测量方法,您还可以根据自己所需来改制这些方法,并且用户可随时调用回这些方法的初始设置。
Ten cases are presented from neonatal, infant and childhood age groups with varying abdominal conditions which were encountered in this hospital. 如此可以避免其他无谓的检查或能早期决定外科开刀的需要性。
Ten couples took the floor. 十对男女在跳舞。
Ten days after cyclosporin intoxication he was discharged from the ICU. 环孢霉素中毒10天后,他从ICU出院。
Ten days ago, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which was first issued by the Society of Gentlemen in Scotland between 1768 and 1777 in Edinburgh, wrote to Lucian. 10天前,《大英百科全书》致函卢西恩。该书由苏格兰绅士协会于1768至1777年间在爱丁堡出版。
Ten days later the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah. 7过了十天,耶和华的话临到耶利米。
Ten days later, she expired due to progressively respiratory failure after 1 day's chemotherapy. 经过1天的化学治疗,病人因逐渐严重的呼吸衰竭而死亡,从门诊之日至死亡共10天。
Ten days should be a big enough leeway to allow for delays. 把耽搁考虑在内,增加十天时间是绰绰有余的了。

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