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He performed many daring exploits, such as crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat.

He peppers local officials with meticulously detailed e-mails about pollution incidents. 他向地方官员就有关污染事件的事撒出严密详细的电子邮件。
He perceived a light in the cave. 他察觉洞穴里有光。
He perceived a subtle change in her manner. 他察觉到她的态度起了微妙变化。
He performed again at the Arena of Stars on Aug 22 and 23. 8月22日和23日,他在星云剧场再次演出。
He performed in Russia, the USA, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Australia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic countries, the Ukraine. - Now you will see him. 他在俄罗斯,美国,加拿大,佐治亚,德国,澳大利亚,哈萨克斯坦,波罗的海的国家,乌克兰表演过。-现在你们将见到他。
He performed many daring exploits, such as crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat. 他建了不少丰功伟业,如划船横越大西洋。
He performed the last offices for deceased. 他为死者执行最后的服务。
He performs his original function in harness most capably, carrying a light load at a moderate speed over great distances. 他最早的作用就是拉小车,现在仍十分擅长此项工作,拖曳较轻载重量时能以中等速度行进相当远的距离。
He performs riding stunts in the circus. 他在马戏团表演骑马绝技。
He persecuted me with various delicate questions. 他用种种微妙的问题把我难倒了。
He persevered in learning English in face of difficulties. (在困难面前,他坚持学英语。)

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