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For the first thousand years of its existence, the church held that a marriage was valid if a couple claimed they had exchanged words of consent – even if there were no witnesses and no priest to officiate.

For the first few days after birth,the mare and the foal should be allowed peace and quiet away from other animals to form a close bond and to allow the foal to gain in strength. 从出生后几天开始,母马和小马驹应当给于安静,与其他动物隔离开,形成一种亲密关系,让小马驹得到力量。
For the first few moments, confronted by an Iraqi colonel who had his soldiers loot our vehicle in front of us, it seemed as if our lives hung by a precarious thread. 遭遇伊拉克上校的最初片刻,目睹他令士兵在我们面前劫掠我们车里的物件,我们的生命似乎危在旦夕。
For the first hundred or so years of America's history, religious toleration was extended primarily to Christian denominations . 美国历史的头一个一百年左右,宗教信仰自由主要是扩及到那些基督教的支派。
For the first reported time in the fractious history of China's recent urban makeover, residents on June 9th had a chance to vote on the offer. 6月9日,地居民对开发商的补偿方案投票表决,这是有报道以来在中国充满争议的城市改造史上的第一次。
For the first sight I distinguished her hairpiece . 我一眼就看出她的头发是假的。
For the first thousand years of its existence, the church held that a marriage was valid if a couple claimed they had exchanged words of consent – even if there were no witnesses and no priest to officiate. 在宗教的头一千年历史中,只要一对男女称他们交换过婚姻的承诺,教堂就会承认他们的婚姻,就算他们之间没有任何证人和举行仪式的牧师也行。
For the first time Oriental religious philosophy became generally accessible. 东方的宗教哲学第一次在总体上变为可以获得。
For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth, and it has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since. 金星上的科学家首次成功的将一颗卫星送上了地球,并且,这颗卫星金从着陆起就源源不断的发回信号和照片.
For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth,and it has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since. 金星上的科学家首次把一颗卫星成功地送上了地球,此后卫星便不断地发回信号和照片。
For the first time a woman is presiding bishop of Episcopal Church. 英国圣公会主教史无前例地任命一名妇女担任住教。
For the first time critical notes were placed behind biblical texts. 批评性的笔记第一次被放进圣经正文之后。

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