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Also participating in the event was a large delegation of veterans of the Hump Pilot's Association and their families.

Also on-site are Seattle Center Monorail, Fun Forest Amusement Park, Pacific Science Center, The Children's Museum, the Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle Center Opera House, Key Arena, and more. 还有单轨电车、公园、太平洋科学中心、儿童博物馆、西雅图戏院、西雅图歌剧院、钥匙竞技场,以及其他。
Also once, Tom and her female Schoolmate - Bei Qi participates in the school the traveling picnic, has become lost in the cave, but Tom maintains calm, utilizes his quick-witted, as well as in his pocket the kite line help, had found the outlet finally. 又有一次,汤姆和她的女同学─贝琪参加学校的旅游野餐,在山洞里迷路了,但汤姆保持冷静,运用他的机智,以及他口袋内风筝线帮忙,终于找到了出路。
Also one of the weightiest arguments against extremist pure-blood elitism is that inbreeding could lead to heaps of other less fortunate genetic results, but that is outside the scope of this essay. 另外一个反对纯血统至上主义的最重要论据是,近亲繁殖可能导致其他不那么理想的基因结果,但那已经超出了本文的讨论范围。
Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. 结1:5又从其中、显出四个活物的形像来、他们的形状是这样、有人的形像。
Also part of InBev's strategy is winning at the “point of connection” through superior sales, merchandising and distribution capabilities; developing world-class efficiency and operating productivity; and finally, ensuring through targeted external growth 同时英博战略的其他构成部分是:通过卓越的销售、推广策略和分销能力在环节的每一联系点取胜;发展世界级的生产效率和经营生产力;最终以目标性的外部发展策略,让公司在发达的市场加强已由的地位,并继续努力赢得高速增长的市场,如中国、俄罗斯和巴西。
Also participating in the event was a large delegation of veterans of the Hump Pilot's Association and their families. 参加这个开幕仪式的是一个由驼峰飞行员协会的老兵和他们的家属组成的大型代表团。
Also people are able to take college courses by television. 人们还能够通过电视学习大学课程。
Also pictured at the event yesterday were bears standing with boxing gloves on their paws during another distasteful performance. 昨天的赛事中出现熊,他们被迫带着拳击手套保持站立姿势。
Also popular is Legoland, near Vejle on the Jutland peninsula, with famous features created with Lego blocks—like Mount Rushmore. 乐高山也很流行,它邻近日德兰半岛的范捷市,山上有许多用乐高拼块拼成的著名人脸-就象美国的总统山。
Also provided a brand-new window to Made-in-China enterprises to moving towards the world. 也为与会的中国制造企业走向世界提供了一个崭新的窗口。
Also provides the service from inland or local port via main ports China to ports of Japan, USA, Europe, Russia and other ports of the world. 还可以提供从内地或内陆港口经过中国主要港口到日本,美国,欧洲,和俄罗斯等世界各港口的集装箱班轮运输服务。

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