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The last time you cried?

The last time they were dumped in a national election, in the Clinton landslide of 1992, they returned with a vengeance in the Gingrich revolution of 1994. 上一次他们在大选中遭弃,是在1992年克林顿下台之时,随后的1994年金里奇革命他们便卷土重来,一雪前耻。
The last time we agree to help that company out of its difficulty, we singe our wing quite badly. 上次我们答应帮助那家公司摆脱困境时我们自己遭受了很大的损失。
The last time we attended the trade show, we took a lot of orders. 我们上次参加贸易展的时候接到了很多订单。
The last time we chatted, the USA basketball team had gathered here for workouts. 上次我们聊天,美国队已经在拉斯维加斯做好了准备。
The last time when we attended the trade show, we took a lot of orders. 我们上次参加贸易展的时候接到了很多订单。
The last time you cried? 最近一次哭?
The last time, or one of the other times, was performing for the handover here in Hong Kong. 上次,或许是其中一次,你是在这儿为香港回归而演奏。
The last to touch the ball in his backcourt, after which the ball touches the frontcourt and then is first touched by that player or team-mate in the backcourt. 在他的后场最后触及球,而后,球触及前场,接着,球被他或他的同队队员在后场最先触及。
The last topic is about a trainable object detection system using at its core a Support Vector Machine classifier. 最后一个主题将讲解支持向量机分类物中核心使用的可训练物件侦测系统。
The last training will be tomorrow, all athletics please attend. 明日4/20上午九时至十一时为赛前最后一次集训,请报名同学务必参加。
The last two days of her stay there it rained like fury. 她在那儿逗留的最后两天里大雨滂沱。

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