Except for one Hodgkin's lymphoma and one lymphosarcoma, all of the other patients were non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with unfavorable histologic grading, mostly were the intermediate grade classification according to the Warking Formulation. |
中文意思: 除了1例何杰金氏淋巴瘤及1例淋巴肉瘤外,其馀病患皆是非何杰金氏淋巴瘤,以工作分类来分多属中间级。 |
Except for documents listed in item (4) that need to be submitted by the foreign parties, the aforesaid documents must be submitted in the Chinese language; Documents listed in items(2),(3) and (5) may be simultaneously submitted in foreign language agree
前款所列文件,除第四项中所列外国合作者提供的文件外,必须报送中文本,第二项、第三项和第五项所列文件可以同时报送合作各方商定的一种外文本。 |
Except for football,he also like playing basketball.
除了足球,他还喜欢篮球. |
Except for football,he likes basketball too.
除了足球,他还喜欢篮球. |
Except for islands of early adopters, such as South Korea, consumers have so far shown little interest in watching TV on their handsets.
除去早先进像在韩国进行过商品试用调查的几个岛国的消费者之外,用手掌上设备观看电视节目这股浪潮尚未在其他地区掀起。 |
Except for my grandfather.
除了我爷爷。 |
Except for one Hodgkin's lymphoma and one lymphosarcoma, all of the other patients were non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with unfavorable histologic grading, mostly were the intermediate grade classification according to the Warking Formulation.
除了1例何杰金氏淋巴瘤及1例淋巴肉瘤外,其馀病患皆是非何杰金氏淋巴瘤,以工作分类来分多属中间级。 |
Except for one old lady, the bus was empty.
公共汽车上要不是坐了一位老太太就是空的。 |
Except for suicide all causes of death showed increasing trend of inequality.
除了自杀外,几乎所有的死因比率都呈现增加差异及不平现象的趋势。 |
Except for the Ministry of Communications approvals for acquisition and mortgage of the Vessel and registration of the Mortgage with the relevant harbor authority, no consent or approval in the R.O.C. is required in connection with the execution, delivery
相对应于前述範例条款第六条、第九条,这部份表示关于相关契约的履行、签署及有效性,需要得到交通部的核可;而抵押须向相关港务单位登记。 |
Except for the church, there is really nothing special to see in the K?nigsee.
国王湖上,除了这个红顶教堂外,真的没有其他特别的地方好观赏的。 |
Except for the entertainment, knowledge, aesthetic education, TV advertisements would take on-side effects upon the spectators, especially the children, whose ideas and behaviors are easily mislead by TV advertisements.
摘要电视广告除了具有娱乐、丰富知识和审美教育功能之外,还可能会产生相当的负作用,尤其是分辨力较弱的儿童其思想言行极为容易受到电视广告的错误诱导。 |