When you tether on whether to give up just becausethe rebellious streak is always there but ultimately....?
种种难以控制的艰难险阻始终横桓在眼前,让你由于是否要放弃这一切....? |
When you think about air traffic control, the image of men and women in the tower of an airport probably comes to mind.
人们一提起空中交通管制人员,就会自然而然的想起在机场地面指挥中心中的工作人员。 |
When you think about the fundamental nature of capitalism, it's about matching buyers and sellers, and every communication tool that's been used to date to drive that mechanism has had a lot of overhead, a lot of difficulty in making sure buyers knew abou
当你想资本主义的基本性质的时候,它是有关相配买主和卖方,和每个沟通工具是用来约会驾驶那种机制有在确定买主方面有许多在头上的,许多困难知道卖方。 |
When you think about your net worth, forget your well-heeled sister and focus on your cash-strapped brother.
想知道自己到底身价几许时,别去想家境殷实的姐姐,多想想一贫如洗的哥哥好了。 |
When you think back to childhood, have you remorse that your parents didn't give you the opportunity to study?
当你回想起童年时你有没有后悔当年父母没有给你读书的机会?? |
When you think of England, you think of Bobby Moore being lifted up and Nobby Stiles dancing on the pitch.
当你想起英格兰的时候你会想到伯璧-摩尔被举起以及诺比-斯泰尔斯在球场上跳舞。 |
When you think of blog designs, you think of simple, rounded corners with nice little gradient buttons for navigation.
本站译:人们一想到博客设计,往往想到的是简单的,圆角与可爱的小梯形按钮导航。 |
When you think of it we have Extremists of all types in every country who feel their country, their political party, their particular religion, their way of thinking is the only one that is right.
当你思及此,我们会发觉在每一个国家中有各种不同的极端主义者他们总觉得他们的国家、政党、他们的信仰,甚至于他们想法是唯一正确的。 |
When you think you`re so low you gotta look up to look down, beat yourself hard on the foot with a stick for a while. at least you will feel better when you stop.
当你感到低落的时候,你应该上下看一看,再用根棍子猛打自己的脚一会儿,这样至少在停下来之后,你会好过一些。 |
When you throw a white stone into the Red Sea, What will it become?
脑筋急转弯:把一颗白色的石头扔到红海中,石头发生了怎样的变化? |
When you told me you loved me,
当你告诉你爱我时, |