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The quarterback was mobbed by the defensive line.

The quarterback collided with one of his teammates on the field. 在球场上四分位和他的一个队友两个人撞在一起。
The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback . 四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球传给了中卫。
The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback. 四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球传给了中卫。
The quarterback threw a touchdown pass . 四分卫触地得分。
The quarterback threw a touchdown pass/an incomplete pass/an interception. 四分卫(触地得分/传球失败/的球被抢断)。
The quarterback was mobbed by the defensive line. 四分卫遭到防守线球员猛烈攻击
The quarterback was the key of their team. 那四分后卫是他们队的灵魂人物。
The quarterly dividend will be paid on Dec. 14, 2005 to stockholders of record on Dec. 2, 2005. 企业对2005年12月2日记录中的股份持有者的季度红利将于2005年12月14日支付。
The quarterly magazine HAIRSTYLE introduces top trends about hair-do style in the future. And it offers the hottest new hairstyles and the tricks to make perfect cuts for you. HAIRSTYLE季刊每期都会介绍发型设计未来最主要的流行趋势,并提供最热门的新发型以及让你看起来更完美的剪发技术。
The quartet has made it clear that Hamas cannot be a legitimate partner for political dialogue,he added, unless it, one, recognizes Israel; two, abandons terrorism; and three, accepts the signed agreementsbetween Israel and the Palestinian Authority. 四方’明确指出,“哈马斯不能成为政治对话的合法伙伴,”他又说,“除非哈马斯,一,承认以色列,二,放弃恐怖主义,三,接受巴、以双方已签署的协议”。
The quasar image scooted 1,300 microarcseconds across the sky—with a 50-microarcsecond skew, just as expected from relativistic effects. 类星体在天上的影像扫过了1300微弧秒,再加上50微弧秒的歪曲,正和相对论所预期的效应一样。

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