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Based on the Rate-Distortion rule, it is found that the fractal coding is for subtree,while the non-coding is for zerotree, and arithmetic coding is for the use of the rest part.

Based on the MMX1 sprite design, because I think the boob lights look dumb. 根据洛克人X1的人物设计﹐因为我认为后来他胸部上的灯看起来很蠢。
Based on the MVC mode, a flexible water quality system was developed, which offer a new way to realize forecast process of dynamical water quality. 并在此思想基础上探讨了利用该方法实现可灵活配置的水质模型系统,为实现动态的水质预测过程提供了一种新途径。
Based on the Mandel-Flaming model and the theory of ternary paradox, the paper has analyzed the effect of the monetary policy of China, pointing out that, under the condition of open economy, a three-level optimization is needed to raise the effect of the 摘要基于蒙德尔-弗莱明模型及“三元悖论”理论,对中国货币政策效用进行了解析,指出在开放经济条件下提高货币政策效用,需要进行三个层次的优化:货币政策工具及内部组合优化、货币政策与财政政策配合优化、货币政策与汇率政策协调优化。
Based on the NURBS technique and the theory of partition for geologic body, the 3-D engineering geologic model for underground structures is established. 摘要工程区域地质条件是影响地下洞室群布置最主要的因素。
Based on the Push-Pull theory which explains population migration motive most thoroughly and synthetically, the paper constructed the push-pull model affecting the transfer decision-making for the peasant worker's settling down in city. 摘要本文以对人口迁移动因解释最为全面综合的推拉理论为基础,建立了影响我国农民工城市定居转移决策的推拉模型。
Based on the Rate-Distortion rule, it is found that the fractal coding is for subtree,while the non-coding is for zerotree, and arithmetic coding is for the use of the rest part. 利用率失真原则找出适合于分形编码的小波树,对其进行分形编码;而对于零树不作编码;其余部分进行算术编码。
Based on the Rolle mid-value theorem, by using determinant method, the Lagrange mid-value theorem and Cauchy mid-value theorem are obtained, and some new results are discovered. 本文从罗尔中值定理出发,这用行列式理论,不仅证明了拉格朗日中值定理和柯西中值定理,还发现了一些新的结论。
Based on the SWOT approach, in this paper the writers analyze the external environment and inner situation of commercial bank's financing abroad on domestic customers' behalf in China, point out the opportunity, challenge, advantage and disadvantage, and 本文采用SWOT方法,对我国商业银行开展代客境外理财业务的外部环境和内部环境进行辩证分析,指出面临的机会与威胁以及存在的优势和劣势,最后提出我国商业银行开展代客境外理财业务的战略选择-抓住机遇、避开威胁、发挥优势、消除劣势。
Based on the Theory of detonation dynamics and fracture mechanics and combined with engineering experiences, the parameters of soft rock tunnel hole charge and smooth blasting are analysized to enhance tunnel excavation proficiency in soft rock and smooth 摘要为提高软岩巷道掘进效率和光爆效果,利用爆轰动力学和断裂力学理论,分析了软岩巷道掏槽及光爆参数,结合工程实践经验,得出了软岩巷道光面爆破参数的取值范围,对软岩巷道爆破参数的设计和施工具有一定的指导意义。
Based on the above achievement, they are working hard in order to reach the goal of green agriculture according to the area character and real resource. 密云县在已取得成绩的基础上,根据区域特点和资源实际,朝着农业产业化经营方向,为实现绿色农业发展目标继续努力。
Based on the above data, explain why E. coli ceased growing in the chemically defined medium but continued to grow in the nutrient broth. 根据上述数据,解释为何大肠杆菌在化学成份确定的培养基中停止生长,但是在营养肉羹培养基中又恢复生长。

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