If anything, I've set the stage for a future show detailing how wonderful I feel.
若还有任何伏笔,那就是这次展览预告了我未来会推出记录我美好感受的作品。 |
If anything, a bit of weight in the front panniers calms the steering, and contrary to occasional user reports of steering shimmy, I found it stable and secure at speed.
偶而有车主反映操控时的不稳定感,此时若把前马鞍袋加些重量后,行进间就会变稳定。 |
If anything, by selling to the 11th richest man on the planet, Chelsea acted in keeping with its identity.
如果有什么的话,把切尔西卖给全球排名第11位的富人,正是保留了切尔西的特性。 |
If anything, it has been better than its rivals in standing up to prying governments in both America and China.
如果有什么值得说的,那就是谷歌比其对手更加勇于对抗美中两国窥探私密的政府。 |
If anything, the next Red Sox-Yankees series will have a subplot going in. Doesn't it always?
那麽下一次红袜和洋基的系列赛,是不是可能会有”其他的状况”发生?不总是这样吗? |
If anything, they have been taken as a sign of candour.
如果真要说影响,大众将这些自白视为奥巴马坦诚直率的表现。 |
If anything, those with high self-esteem are less inhibited, more willing to disregard risks and more prone to engage in sex.
其实更应该说,自尊高的青少年比较不受压抑、较忽略风险、也容易有从事性行为的倾向。 |
If applicants are worried about having too many valuable lessons, the Hertfordshire academics also recommend avoiding other less than positive words, such as panic, problemsand awful.
如果求职者担心自己“宝贵教训”太多的话,赫特福德大学的研究者们还建议大家尽量不要使用那些不太积极的单词,例如:恐慌、问题和可怕的。 |
If application accepted, the Member should pay the relevant fees to the account designated by the Exchange within on week.
备注:(1)入会申请一旦被接受,会员应于一周内将有关费用划入上海钻石交易所指定的帐户。 |
If apply by fax, cardholder can fax the completed application form and ID card copy to 7910625.
如以传真方式申请,卡主填妥申请表格后连同身份证副本传真至7910625. |
If appropriate Eurocollege, at that time will provide a more detailed reference in support of the student's candidature.
在适当的时间,欧洲学院还会给学生提供一份详尽的推荐信,以便证明他们的适应能力。 |