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A common complaint is that some companies try to monopolize a market through predatoryor below-cost pricing.

A common beginner's question is how to use a scroll bar to scroll up and down large images or text blocks. The demo illustrates how it is done. 这是初学者共有的一个疑问,如何使用滚动条来上下滚动大幅的图片或者文本块。这个程序演示了它是怎么实现的。
A common carrier may not deny any normal and reasonable carriage requirement by a passenger or consignor. 第二百八十九条从事公共运输的承运人不得拒绝旅客、托运人通常、合理的运输要求。
A common cause of fussy, colic-like symptoms in babies is foremilk-hindmilk imbalance (also called oversupply syndrome, too much milk, etc.) and/or forceful let-down. 一个常见的引起类似绞痛症状的哭闹的原因,就是前奶-后奶失衡(也被称为过度供给综合症,奶量太多等等)和/或奶阵来的太强烈。
A common cause of malfunctions in digital systems, and particularly in the digital parts of mixed signal systems, is timing error, which often arises from failure to consider the effects of temperature variations on the system. 时序错误是数字电路尤其是混合信号电路出现功能异常的常见原因,这个问题常常是由于没有考虑电路工作环境的温度变化而导致的。
A common cause of this error is the system time being incorrect. Verify that the time on this system is correct. 一开始是时间不对,后来改了,还是出同样的错。也重启过系统了。
A common complaint is that some companies try to monopolize a market through predatoryor below-cost pricing. 一种常见的申诉是一些公司通过掠夺性定价或倾销价企图垄断市场。
A common criticism of Western business culture is that it is short-sighted, obsessed with the thrill of the deal and breeds disloyalty. 西方商业文化作出的一条普遍批评是这种行为是短视的,这项交易所带来的激动弄得人们鬼迷心窍,同时还繁衍出了背信弃义。
A common danger causes common action. 同仇敌忾。
A common example is the outline of a mountain range. 最平常的例子是山峰轮廓。
A common example of this would be an HTML file with references to image files (such as JPG or GIF files). 一个普通的例子是HTML文件可能包含多个图像文件(如JPG或GIF文件)。
A common mistake made by many web designers is to develop a site on a local machine with direct access to the data, or to develop the site over a high-speed Internet connection. 网页设计师们通常会犯的一个错误就是设计出的网站会加重服务器的负担,占据更多的网络流量。

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