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I have a black horse and a brown horse,the farmer said, which one would you like?

I hate to admit this, but my kid sister is smarter than I am. I barely passed algebra and geometry, but here she's head of her class in both. 这个人很谦虚,他说:“我虽然不愿意承认这个事实,但是,我的小妹妹确实比我更聪明。我的几何和代数只是勉强及格。可是,她这两门课在班里都是第一。”
I hate to tell you this, but if we don't get more customers the next three months, the bottom line is that we'll go out of business. 他说:“我很不愿意告诉你。但是,要是我们在今后三个月里不能招揽更多的顾客的话,归根结蒂的问题是我们必然会倒闭的。”
I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. 赛1:14你们的月朔、和节期、我心里恨恶、我都以为麻烦.我担当、便不耐烦。
I hated foreign language classes when I was in school, but now I find speaking several languages helps me a lot in my career,he said. “上学时我很厌恶外语课,但是现在会多门语言对我的事业有极大的帮助。”
I have [$16 million] in Johnson for next year so he is part of the five,Cashman said of the 43-year-old lefty who had back surgery in October. 现金男先生谈到了这名43岁的左投手,他在10月份动了背部手术,他说:我们明年要付给巨怪1600万美金的薪水,所以他是先发轮值五名投手之一。
I have a black horse and a brown horse,the farmer said, which one would you like? “我有一匹黑马一匹棕马,”农场主说道,“你要哪匹?”
I have a good squad but the embargo (which is currently under appeal) is limiting us,continued the former Empoli and Sampdoria man. 我的队伍非常出色,但是禁令(正在上诉)限制了我们.不管怎样,这个队中的主要框架并没有改变,不买入新的球员,我们队仍然富有竞争力.
I have a liking for Milan, my idol was Marco van Basten,he added. Then arrived Sheva (Andrei Shevchenko) and now I could see him even closer (at Chelsea). “我很喜欢米兰,我的偶像就是马可.范巴斯滕。”他补充。“后来就变成了舍瓦并且我现在可以更近距离得观察他。”
I have a problem, Severus,said Voldemort softly. “我有一个问题,西弗勒斯,”伏地魔轻轻地说道。
I have a short memory,she says. 她说:我的记忆力不好。
I have agreed to call [Hoeness] when things are cleared up with Chelsea, but we have not reached an agreement with Chelsea yet. “我已经答应了赫内斯当切尔西这边尘埃落定后就给他打电话,但是现在我们仍然没有与俱乐部达成一致。”

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