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The sense of freedom among the tranquil (1) waves is wonderful.

The sense amplifier is used to amplify and output the voltage difference on the internal; signal at the internal terminal. 感测放大器则用来放大在内部端点上的内部信号电压差并且输出。
The sense of English language comes from a long-term training and applying, and has an important effect to the exaltation ability of English expressing, judging and applying. 摘要英语的语感是通过长期的训练与应用得来的,对于英语表达、判断、应用能力的提高有着重要的作用,是对英语语言的直接感知能力,也是对英语语言法则或语言组织方法的掌握和运用。
The sense of anxiety of declining, spirit of self-empowerment, containing manner, scientific thought and the idea of harmony and so on conceived in the Yi-ology have been exerting significant influence upon Chinese innovative spirit and have become a dyna 易学中的优患意识、自强不息精神、包容态度、科学思想及和谐理念等等,都对中华民族创新精神产生了巨大影响,成为中华民族生生不息的动力之源,成为我们建设创新型国家的重要历史资鉴。
The sense of community and the social constructivism, complementary in methods and coherent in pursuit of value, are consistent in essence. 摘要社区意识的内涵与社会建构论的本质意涵具有内在一致性,二者具有方法上的互补性和价值追求上的一致性。
The sense of crisis is past. 人的危机感已在为过去。
The sense of freedom among the tranquil (1) waves is wonderful. 那种在安静的波浪上面前进的自由感觉真实好极了。
The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. 他在青少年时期留下的自卑感,还没有完全消除。
The sense of livingness is strong while with children. 兴小孩子在一起时,可感受到强烈的活力。
The sense of personality is due to the identification of the knower with the instruments of knowledge. 我执是由于知觉者以“真知”的外在体现认同于自我的知觉。简称“自以为是”。
The sense of the questioner which is gathered from the nature of the questions is necessarily absolutely illusory. 若由问题本身间接地断定背后一定有个提问者,那绝对是一种幻相。
The sense was so intensive that he forgot protesting completely. 这种感觉是如此强烈以至于他完全忘了抗议。

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