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Follicular dendritic cell (FDC) tumor of the liver is a recently recognized entity.

Folks were cheering back East in Times Square on Thursday night when the Los Angeles Lakers were vanquished. 当东部的人们在泰晤士广场欢呼的时候,洛杉矶湖人队被击败了。
Folksy humor; a folksy style that masked a keen business mind. 低调的幽默;以低调的形式掩盖着一种强烈的商业念头
Follicle A dry dehiscent fruit formed from one carpel that splits along one edge to release its seed, for example Delphinium fruit. 蓇荚果:由单心皮形成,并沿心皮的一缝开裂释放种子的一种开裂干果。如飞燕草的果实。
Follicle dehiscent; mature carpels rostrate spine at base. 成熟心皮基部具喙状刺。
Follicle dehiscent; mature carpels tappering to the base, apex papillate. 果开裂,成熟心皮向基部变狭,上部多疣。
Follicular dendritic cell (FDC) tumor of the liver is a recently recognized entity. 摘要肝泸泡树枝状细胞肿瘤是最近认知的疾病。
Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) is an uncommon cutaneous hamartoma with rather distinct histopathologic features than typifying clinical features. 摘要毛囊皮脂线囊状错构瘤是一种罕见的表皮肿瘤,组织病理上具有特殊的变化,但临床表现并无特色。
Follow - up was carried out, computed tomography(CT) images and color ultrasonic images proved a fully patent graft 8 - 60 months after operation and no recurrence. 随访8~60个月,情况良好,无胰腺癌复发,彩超和CT显示移植人造血管通畅。
Follow EHS policy and procedures to ensure the safety in daily production operation. 执行安全卫生规程,保证日常生产操作的确安全性。
Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a can of Lysol. 缓慢地跟着某人,并向他接触过的每件东西喷洒来沙尔牌消毒剂。
Follow a hunch and don't be afraid if it leads you outside the box. You're not just a student. You're also an innovator. 跟著感觉走,不要害怕它会导引你走出框架。你不只是学生,也是创新者。

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