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Where the trustee-trader sold the trust item above, or purchased the trust item below, the price designated by the trustor, the remuneration may be increased in accordance with the contract.

Where the trustee-trader entered into a contract with a third person, it directly enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations thereunder. 第四百二十一条行纪人与第三人订立合同的,行纪人对该合同直接享有权利、承担义务。
Where the trustee-trader has completed the entrusted matter or has partially completed the entrusted matter, the trustor shall pay the appropriate remuneration thereto. 第四百二十二条行纪人完成或者部分完成委托事务的,委托人应当向其支付相应的报酬。
Where the trustee-trader is in a situation described in the previous paragraph, it may still require payment of remuneration from the trustor. 行纪人有前款规定情形的,仍然可以要求委托人支付报酬。
Where the trustee-trader is to sell or purchase a commodity the price of which is fixed by the market, the trustee-trader may act as the purchaser or seller itself, unless the trustor has otherwise manifested its intention. 第四百一十九条行纪人卖出或者买入具有市场定价的商品,除委托人有相反的意思表示的以外,行纪人自己可以作为买受人或者出卖人。
Where the trustee-trader is to sell the trust item below, or buy the trust item above, the price designated by the trustor, it shall obtain consent from the trustor. 第四百一十八条行纪人低于委托人指定的价格卖出或者高于委托人指定的价格买入的,应当经委托人同意。
Where the trustee-trader sold the trust item above, or purchased the trust item below, the price designated by the trustor, the remuneration may be increased in accordance with the contract. 行纪人高于委托人指定的价格卖出或者低于委托人指定的价格买入的,可以按照约定增加报酬。
Where the trustor fails to pay the remuneration within the prescribed period, the trustee-trader is entitled to a possessory lien on the trust item, except otherwise agreed by the parties. 委托人逾期不支付报酬的,行纪人对委托物享有留置权,但当事人另有约定的除外。
Where the trustor gives special pricing instruction, the trustee-trader may not make any sale or purchase in contravention thereof. 委托人对价格有特别指示的,行纪人不得违背该指示卖出或者买入。
Where the underage child causes any damage to the state, collective or other person, the parents thereof shall take civil liabilities. 在未成年子女对国家、集体或他人造成损害时,父母有承担民事责任的义务。
Where the validity period of a coal production license expires or the coal resources within the limits of an approved mining area are exhausted, the license-issuing authority shall revoke the license and make it known to the public. 煤炭生产许可证的有效期限届满或者经批准开采范围内的煤炭资源已经枯竭的,其煤炭生产许可证由发证机关予以注销并公告。
Where the value of the mortgaged property has declined, the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor restore the original value of the mortgaged property or provide security corresponding to the amount of the lost value. 抵押物价值减少时,抵押权人有权要求抵押人恢复抵押物的价值,或者提供与减少的价值相当的担保。

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