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The reason for selling well is due to the fine blending technology.

The reason for me and my Sangha to go begging in all directions is to make a positive connection with everyone we meet. My objective is to benefit everyone. “我以及我的僧侣们四出乞食,就是为了和每个我们所遇到的人结一个善缘,我的目的是为了利益每一个人。”
The reason for my doing this is not only because the two works are suffused with the same spirit such as divinity or sorcery, but also more importantly because interpretable information lies concealed inside. 之所以这样做,不仅因为这两个作品里弥漫着相同的神性或巫术气质,更重要的是在它们内部隐伏着可以破译的信息。
The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible. 不要把殖民卫星完全殖民化的原因是你希望殖民者可以尽可能的繁殖。
The reason for out planting is that trees can provide us with fresh air. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应给我们新鲜空气.
The reason for selectivity lies mainly in the violation of pragmatic principle for interrogative mood. 限制原因主要在于违反了疑问语气的语用原则。
The reason for selling well is due to the fine blending technology. 扳倒井酒之所以能走俏市场,来源于精益求精的勾调技术。
The reason for that we entered into university aimed to learning more knowledge and prepared for hunting a good job. we can't observe a good job if we don't work hard now. 原因是:1我们来到大学是为了学习知识的,是为了以后能找到好的工作而做准备的,如果现在不好好学习,那么以后就无法找到好的工作。
The reason for the change is lack of money, pure and simple. 进行更改的原因就是缺少经费.
The reason for the institute to withhold the prize, instead, would be to preserve its value. 委员会应取消和平奖的理由实际上是保存它的价值。
The reason for the rapid increase in population is a rise in birth rate a fall in death rate. 人口的迅速增长与其说是由于出生率的上升,还不如说是由于死亡率的下降。
The reason for the rapid increase in population is not so much a rise in birth rate as a fall in death rate. 译:人口的迅速增长与其说是由于出生率的上升不如说是由于死亡率的下降。

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