It is comprised of six districts, including Tianjin Eco-Tech Development Area and Tianjin Port.
由天津经济技术开发区、天津港等六个区域组成。 |
It is conceivable that animals who are too stupid to be quite on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep.
资讯科技是想得到的动物谁是太愚蠢而无法主动地是相当是,在高的危险期数期间,被睡眠的难宽恕手臂使不动。 |
It is conceivable that digital production and distribution will simply make it easier to deliver American movies and television shows around the globe.
可想而知,透过数位制片与发行,美国电影与电视节目要传送到全球各地就更容易了。 |
It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.
可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。 |
It is conceivable that knowledge plays&n bsp;an important role in our life.
可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。 |
It is conceivable that the constitution could be voted on by the French again or even revised, although the process would be cumbersome.
我们仍可以想象此宪法在法国重新被表决,甚至被修订,尽管此过程是很麻烦的。 |
It is conceivable, if still unlikely, that this could threaten the CSU's absolute majority.
这很有可能,即便是没有实现,也会威胁基社盟的独立执政地位。 |
It is concerned about the amount companies have been pouring into capital investment.
这样做的原因在于大量的企业涌入了资本投资市场。 |
It is concise yet deep inside, bringing forth the city's gradual changes and development.
在通往“北京2008”的路程上,人们将通过它相约北京、相聚中国、相识这里的人们。 |
It is concl uded that dental baffle-pier can increase energy dissipation rate of stilling b a sin and decrease engineering cost.The obvious economic benefits and the expected effect of additional momentum hydraulic jump theory are achieved.
结果表明:采用齿墩设施,可增进消力池的消能作用,并取得显著的经济效益,达到了附加动量水跃理论所预期的效果。 |
It is conclude that systematic coupling numerical model is an effective method to study the nuclide transport in vadose and saturate zones and can offer scientific evidence and technique guide for the safe disposition of nuclide waste and environmental as
采用系统耦合数学模型来研究核素在包气带和含水层中的运移是预测核素污染的重要手段和有效方法,可为核素在地下处置库中安全处置及环境影响的评价提供科学依据和技术指导。 |