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The subsiding regularity of spherical sinkers is investigated through experiment and theoretical analysis.

The subsidiary company is one devotes in the public relations plans, the etiquette service specialized company, plans from the active preliminary plan to the scene concrete operation implements the integrated service, is opposite we has in the advertiseme 分公司是一家致力于公关策划、礼仪服务的专业公司,从活动的前期方案策划到现场的具体操作实行一体化服务,相对于广告公司我们更具有实行能力,而相对于一般的礼仪公司,我们更具备专业的策划能力。
The subsidiary is in France but the parent company is in America. 子公司在法国,但母公司在美国。
The subsidies of the superior authorities. 六、上级机关之补助。
The subsidies shall be undertaken in proportion by the benefited finance of the city. 补贴资金由本市受益财政按比例承担。
The subsidies typically are more easy to switch on than turn off, and may be contributing to excess demand pressures during the current housing upturn. 通常启动补贴比废除补贴要容易得多,并且在当今的住房上涨期间可能造成了超额需求压力。
The subsiding regularity of spherical sinkers is investigated through experiment and theoretical analysis. 摘要通过实验和理论分析研究,探讨了球形沉子在水中自由下沉时的沉降规律。
The substance does not react vigorously with reducing agent,so it does not belong to oxidizing substances. 与还原剂作用无剧烈反应发生,表明该货物无氧化剂危险性。
The substance has no obvious harm to skin and metal,so it does not belong to corrosives. 经与皮肤及金属接触实验确认,无明显损伤,表明该货物不属腐蚀品。
The substance in philosophy developing from lower level to higher level means it is more and more beautiful? 哲学中的事物由低给向高级发展是不是越来越美呢?
The substance is formed from a mixture of liquid solidify under pressure. 这些材料是由几种液体混合在一起并加压使之凝褂邙成的。
The substance is irritable to sensitive skin. 这种物质对敏感的皮肤有刺激性。

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