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The National Weather Service says Wilma is now a category two hurricane, but is advising people in the storm's path not to venture outside during the relative calm of the eye of the storm.

The National Unification Council will cease to function. 「国家统一委员会」终止运作。
The National Visionary Leadership Project tells about the lives and celebrates the success of older influential African Americans. 美国国家有远见的领导人项目主要的工作是介绍那些老一代有影响的非裔美国人,并庆祝他们的成功。
The National Weather Association also provides information on careers in meteorology. 国家气象协会还提供职业气象学.
The National Weather Service 10) issued heat warnings from Maine to Oklahoma. 国家气象局发布高温警报,从缅因州到奥克拉荷马州全在内。
The National Weather Service is posting blizzard warnings for most of eastern Colorado and parts of Nebraska and Kansas. 国家气象局发布了暴雪警报,科罗拉多州东部和内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州的局部地区有大风雪。
The National Weather Service says Wilma is now a category two hurricane, but is advising people in the storm's path not to venture outside during the relative calm of the eye of the storm. 美国国家气象局说,维尔玛飓风现已降为2级飓风,但是告诫在飓风所经之处的民众不要在飓风风眼经过时的相对平静阶段出来活动。
The National Youth Council is letting the painters do their thing at its skateboard park. 新加坡国家青年协会允许画家在滑板公园里发挥创意。
The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. is taking steps to save the Cheetah. Through its Cheetah Conservation Station, scientists are having success in breeding cheetahs in captivity. 华盛顿的国家动物园正在采取措施保护印度豹。通过建立印度豹保护站,科学家在笼中成功地繁殖了印度豹。
The National council of MFPC is proud to confer the First Honorary Fellow Member Status to: Mr. 谢观兴先生荣获马来西亚金融理财公会(MFPC)颁授第一位“荣誉院士”资格。
The National heart Lung and Blood Institute working Group on Atrial fibrillation:Atrial fibrillation:current understanding and reseach imperative.J.Am.Coll cardiol,1993,22:1830. 霍勇,高炜,张励庭,等.冠状动脉心肌桥及临床意义.中国介入心脏病学杂志,1988,6:97-99.
The Native American root race lost a part of their genetic information in the blending. 在混杂之中,美洲土著根种族丧失了一部分基因信息。

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