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The king chanted a lament for Abner and said, Should Abner die as a fool dies?

The king asked him to design a palace roofed with an arch. 国王叫他设计一座屋顶是拱形的宫殿。
The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the king's table. 5王派定将自己所用的膳和所饮的酒,每日赐他们一分,养他们三年。
The king banished him for treason. 国王因叛国罪把他放逐。
The king bestowed the property on him. 国王把这份财产赏赐给他。
The king can make a knight, but not a gentleman. 国王能够塑造武士,却不能塑造绅士。
The king chanted a lament for Abner and said, Should Abner die as a fool dies? 撒下3:33王为押尼珥举哀、说、押尼珥何竟像愚顽人死呢。
The king commissioned a portrait of the queen. 国王下令要一张王后的画像。
The king conferred the dignity of a peerage on the general. 国王颁赐爵位这要职给将军。
The king crowned his eldest son. 国王为他的长子加冕。
The king demands allegiance of his subjects. 国王需要臣民的拥戴。
The king did not lift a hand where his people were hungry. 老百姓挨饿时,国王却啥也不管。

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