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And yet what they are looking for could be found in one single rose, or a little water.

And yet they held karmic cause in their current and past ancestry for the consumption of the sea. 但是他们在目前和过去的家族消耗大海中产生了业力因果。
And yet this very lack of inhibition allows dormant artistic talents to bloom. 但这种抑制能力的丧失,却也让潜伏的艺术才能绽放开来。
And yet unprepared. 可是也还未准备充分。
And yet we continue to try, churning out forecasts on everything from the price of oil to the next civil war. 然而我们仍在尝试,从石油价格到下次内战,大量任意的预测到处充斥着。
And yet we lie side by side and comfort each other by simple presence, without any physical prelude. 但现在我们并排躺着,没有任何身体上的序曲,仅是简简单单的存在便能够抚慰对方。
And yet what they are looking for could be found in one single rose, or a little water. 不过我看到研究生的宿舍楼在本部的宿舍群里还算是比较突出的。
And yet you don't solve any problems, because all you do is writing about them and talking about them. 然而,你并没有解决任何问题,因为你所做的工作只是针对这些问题写点什么、说点什么。
And yet you need not be a professional interior designer. 但你并不需要成为一名专业的室内设计师。
And yet you so far. 你离我如此遥远。
And yet, 6,000 children do die, every single day, from waterborne illnesses. 然而,每一天的确有6,000个孩子死于与水有关的疾病。
And yet, I really like a rudderless vessel in mid-sea, be exposed to overthrow. 说真的,我真的象是大海中的一只没有舵的船,遭受颠覆。

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