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The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens.

The Accused, by elevating design from the realm of technical artifacts to a conceptual level, have encouraged a further estrangement of architecture from implementation. 被告,通过把设计从技术工艺品的范畴提高到一个概念的层次,鼓励了更进一步的架构和实现的分离。
The Accused, by virtue of having used it in their catalog, have imposed a particular awkward and odious pattern format on the software community, which has proven to be something of a Procrustean Bed. 被告,通过采用在他们的类别中使用,对软件社团强加了一个难用和令人不爽的模式格式,被证实是普罗克汝斯忒斯之床。
The Acoustic Neuroma Association provides information and support to patients who have been diagnosed with or experienced an acoustic neuroma or other benign problem affecting the cranial nerves. 美国)听觉神经瘤学会:对于被诊断或经历听觉神经瘤或其他影响脑神经的良性问题的病人提供资讯与支持。
The Acropolis at Athens and the Parthenon are the finest monument of Greek architecture and sculpture in more than 2000 years . 雅典卫城和帕台侬神庙是2000多年里希腊建筑与雕刻艺术完美结合的最好典范。
The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens . 雅典的卫城高耸于雅典全城之上.
The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens. 雅典的卫城高耸於雅典全城之上.
The Acropolis is floodlit in the evenings. 夜晚泛光灯把卫城照得通亮.
The Acropolis shows a maturity of Greek mathematics and also an appreciation of geometrical ideas. 雅典卫城显示了希腊人对数学的精通以及对几何学的推崇。
The Acropolis was to be the master stroke of Heracle's power broking, a monumental declaration of Athens' dominance in the New World order. 雅典卫城便是在赫拉克利斯的大力策划下兴建起来的,它具有非常的意义,宣告雅典在世界新秩序中的统治地位。
The Act clarifies the protection aims of competitors, consumers and the general public; establishes the general clause; regulates several typical unfair competition practices; stipulates characteristic sanction and litigation procedure. 该法确立了经营者、消费者、公众三重保护的宗旨,设置了一般条款,规制了几种典型的不正当竞争行为,规定了颇具特色的制裁和诉讼程序。
The Act prohibits any other party from adopting or using or any mark that may be considered confusingly similar to that of the owner's registered trade-mark, unless that third party has obtained a trade-mark license from the owner. 除非第三者从注册商标持有人中获得注册商标执照,注册商标法严禁其他任何个人或团体引用或使用注册商标,注册商标法亦严禁使用类似注册商标的标志,以免混淆注册商标持有者所拥有的注册商标。

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