The new trains went into official operation on Friday meaning that now there is a bullet train setting off every one and a half hours.
周五,新增列车投入了正式运行,这意味着现在每一个半小时就有一趟子弹头列车发车。 |
The new transferee shall accord with the provision of the Measures and undertake all the rights and obligations of the parent company and its subsidiaries in the listed company, and fulfill lawful obligations to report and declare to China Securities Regu
新的受让方仍应符合本办法所规定的条件,承担母公司及其子公司在上市公司中的全部权利和义务,并依法履行向中国证监会报告、公告及其他法定义务。 |
The new travel book is a useful compendium of facts about local hotels, restaurants, transportation, history, and points of interest for the traveler to enjoy.
新出的旅游书是一本有用的手册,它简要介绍了当地的酒店、餐馆、交通、历史和其它旅游者感兴趣的内容。 |
The new treatment works like magic.
新疗法疗效神奇。 |
The new trustee shall inherit the rights and obligations of handling the trust affairs of the former trustee.
原受托人处理信托事务的权利和义务,由新受托人承继。 |
The new type dryer is characterized not only by simple and light structure, low pressure drop and uniform drying, but also by obvious energy saving.
与原有乾燥机相比,其具有结构简单、质量轻、床层压降小、乾燥均匀等优点,而且节能优势明显。 |
The new type embedded multi-bladders silica gel door sealer is more durable than the ordinary foam rubber door sealer, user won't need to replace the sealer in two or three months like the ordinary sealer.
采用新型多气囊嵌入式硅胶门封设计,摒弃了司空见惯的海棉条门封,省去了两、三个月更换门封条的烦恼。 |
The new type of car features high speed, small size and low cost.
这种新型汽车以高速、小型和低费用为特色。 |
The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.
我们工程师设计的这种密码箱非常的精巧实用。 |
The new type regenerative burner can be used alone and installing easy. Using the regenerative burner, HTAC can be realization in the forge heating furnace and the effect is satisfied.
摘要介绍新型“自身”蓄热烧嘴,单个使用,安装方便,在锻造炉上实现了高温空气燃烧,提高了加热质量,降低了燃料消耗,取得了满意的效果。 |
The new type three-ring reducer can be used as drive mechanism of pumping units.
该新型减速器可用作抽油机的传动装置。 |