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The discovery that the Amazon River took millions of years to mature did not contradict that view, because it left open the possibility that this sea barred the incipient river's path to the Atlantic.

The discovery of vast petroleum fields in the Barents and Kara Seas has raised fears of catastrophic accidents as ships loaded with oil and, soon, liquefied gas churn through the fisheries off Scandinavia, headed to markets in Europe and North America. 在巴伦支海和卡拉海发现的大油田引发了人们的忧虑,人们担心那些装载着原油、不久后还要装载液态天然气的船舶在穿越斯堪的纳维亚半岛外的渔场驶向欧洲和北美市场的途中会发生可怕的意外。
The discovery of young and intermediate-age globular clusters opens up a whole new way to study how globulars form. 年轻及中年球状星团的发现,为球状星团的形成开启了新的研究道路。
The discovery paved the way for a big improvement in the health of children from poor families. 这项发现促使贫穷人家小孩的健康大幅改善。
The discovery that her husband had an extramarital affair was a rude awakening. 她丈夫有婚外情的发现是一个粗残的觉醒。
The discovery that her husband was unfaithful to her was a rude (ie shocking) awakening. 她发觉丈夫对自己不忠而猛醒.
The discovery that the Amazon River took millions of years to mature did not contradict that view, because it left open the possibility that this sea barred the incipient river's path to the Atlantic. 而亚马逊河花了600万年时间形成的发现,并未牴触这项假设,因为这有可能代表,就是这座浅海阻挡了早期亚马逊河流向大西洋的途径。
The discovery that the United States has a huge carbon sink- a mass of territory covered with plants that soak up extra carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, perhaps mitigating the effects of climate-changing global warming. 发现美国有一个巨大的“碳池”,即一大片布满植物的区域,这些植物能从大气中吸附多余的二氧化碳,这可能减缓全球气侯变暖的影响。
The discovery was first made last September by a graduate student in Texas. 这个现象最初是去年9月得克萨斯州的一名研究生发现的。
The discovery was led by Professor Carlos Rocha at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Boyaca. 报道说,这一重大发现是由哥伦比亚博亚卡教育及科技大学的教授卡洛斯·罗卡带领有关人员获得的。
The discovery was made by a team of Canadian scientists who used special infrared and three-dimensional technology to peer through hitherto impenetrable paint layers on the work, which now sits in the Louvre museum in Paris. 这一新发现由加拿大的一个科学家小组做出,他们利用特殊的红外线和三维技术,对这幅收藏于巴黎卢浮宫的油画进行了迄今为止最为彻底的渗透式扫描。
The discrepancies between them in terms of stage effect and narrative modes demonstrate the fact that Chinese and western drama take a different stand on alienation effect. 中西戏剧艺术在舞台效果和叙事方式上的种种差异,体现了两者在间离效果上的不同立场。

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