In archival industry, the construction of archival profession qualifications system is very important to promote the development of the archival cause and perfect national vocational qualification system.
在档案行业中建立职业资格证书制度对提高从业人员的素质,促进档案事业的发展以及完善国家职业资格体系都具有重要意义。 |
In areas covered by central heating pipelines or networks, no new coal heating boilers may be installed.
在集中供热管网覆盖的地区,不得新建燃煤供热锅炉。 |
In areas having not the conditions to practice cremation, cemeteries for remains must be planned in a scientific manner by selecting sites of cemeteries in barren hills and wasteland, banning the occupation of cultivated land and forest land and advocatin
在暂不具备火葬条件的地区,遗体公墓必须科学规划,选址在荒山瘠地,严禁占用耕地、林地,同时要大力倡导深埋不留坟头的葬法。 |
In areas occupied by United States forces, military jurisdiction over individuals, other than members of the Armed Forces, who are charged with violating legislation or orders of the occupant is usually exercised by military government courts.
在美国军队所占领之地区,对非属于军队之个人,但被以违反占领者法律或命令而起诉时,其军事管辖权通常由军事政府法院所行使。 |
In areas of poor water quality, isolation protects the collectors from fouling by minerals in the water.
在水质较次的区域,隔离保护收集器,以防止由于水中的矿物造成的污染。 |
In areas where agriculture plays an important role, people do not attach importance to education, and parents are skeptical of anything that take children away from their work on the farm.
在那些以农业为主的地区,人们不重视教育,家长们对不让孩子参加地里的劳动的做法抱有怀疑的态度。 |
In areas which are prone to salinization-alkalization and water-logging, measures shall be taken to control and lower the groundwater level.
在容易发生盐碱化和渍害的地区,应当采取措施,控制和降低地下水的水位。 |
In arithmetic we use the Arabic notation.
在算术上我们用阿拉伯符号。 |
In arrange ancient Chinese classics, Chen Yuan pretects and arranges a lot of precious archives and datas, makes a large variety of catalogues, which makes ancient document science in scientific developing road; initiates and norms new compiling systems i
摘要陈垣在古籍整理中,保护与整理了大批珍贵的文献档案资料,并做了大量的编目工作,使我国古典文献学逐步走上科学化的发展道路,开辟和规整了目录学新的编撰体式,建立了科学完整的校勘学理论与方法论。 |
In art and literature and religion, some men have shown a sublimity of feeling which makes the species worth preserving.
在艺术、文学和宗教领域里,一些人显示了一种崇高的感情,它使人们懂得人类是值得保全的。 |
In artificial vegetation-fixed sandy dunes, microbiotic crusts always occur with stabilizing of the environmental conditions in vegetation regions.
在土壤水环境变化的驱动下,人工植被系统发生了一系列的演替过程。 |