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A continuous attempt on the part of an automatically controlled system to seek a desired equilibrium condition, the system usually contains a standard, a method of determining deviation from this standard and a method of influencing the system so that the

A contingent of about 150 French troo reached southern Lebanon Friday. 一批大约150人的法国部队星期五抵达黎巴嫩南部。
A contingent of about 150 French troops reached southern Lebanon Friday. 一批大约150人的法国部队星期五抵达黎巴嫩南部。
A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike. 15大雨之日连连滴漏,和争吵的妇人一样。
A continuation of this trend, Mr Daly thinks, may add almost half a percentage point to Spain's annual growth rate over the next ten years, and maybe more if policies change. 戴利先生想:这一持续的趋势有可能使得在接下来的十年中西班牙的年均增长率增加几乎50个百分点,如果改变政策的话可能更多。
A continuous GPS network could easily detect this fitful acceleration, well before ground-shaking earthquakes began to occur and, with luck, in plenty of time for a useful tsunami warning. 持续监测的GPS接收网络,可以早在撼天动地之前,轻易侦测到这种不规则的加速作用,更幸运的话,还有足够的时间发出海啸警报。
A continuous attempt on the part of an automatically controlled system to seek a desired equilibrium condition, the system usually contains a standard, a method of determining deviation from this standard and a method of influencing the system so that the 自动控制系统中的不断寻找平衡状态的动作,该系统通常包括有一个标准状态、一种确定偏离这个标准状态的偏差的方法和使得系统的状态与标准状态之间的差别趋于零的方法。
A continuous belt feeds components into the machine. 无极带把零件送入机器里.
A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. 墙基层支撑一堵墙的一组连续的石块
A continuous distillation technique is exploited for production of p-tert-butylphenol by means of simulation and design of process by which the mixture of tert-butylphenol can be separated. 摘要通过对混合叔丁基苯酚分离过程的模拟计算与设计,开发出了对叔丁基苯酚的连续精馏技术。
A continuous drought is threatening the crops. 10庄稼正遭受持续干旱天气的威胁。
A continuous equation, three momentum equations are set up for each phase, and the algebraic equation with sum of volume rate amount to one is set up in this model. 该模型针对每一相都建立了一个连续性方程、三个动量方程,并建立了一个体积率和等于1的代数方程。

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