The first trade barrier investigation in China was initiated on April 22 2004 at the request of the laver Association of Jiangsu Province.
本次贸易壁垒调查是应江苏省紫菜协会的申请于2004年4月22日立案的。 |
The first transaction between even ordinary citizensand the first chance to make an impression for better or worse-is,of course,an exchange of names.
即使是两个普通的人,在第一次交往时,也要相互交换姓名,这是给彼此留下或好或坏印象的第一次机会。 |
The first trend is sacrificing damage gear for tanking gear: stacking stamina and resilience at the cost of other stats.
第一条出路是牺牲伤害来换取生存资本:堆耐力和提高各种抗性值。 |
The first two carriages of the train telescoped in the crash.
火车撞车时前两节车厢叠嵌在一起了。 |
The first two chapters of the story is in the issue of the magazine.
这个故事的头两章登在这一期杂志上。 |
The first two episodes premiere on Tuesday Sept. 27 at 9 and 10 PM (ET/PT), with subsequent episodes airing every Tuesday night at 9 PM.
前两集的播出时间为9月27日9点和10点(分别为东西部时间),接下来的将在每周二晚播出。 |
The first two laboratories are designed to familiarize you with the common structures of cells and tissues, the subsequent eight laboratories are focused on specific organs and organ systems pathology, and the final two laboratories are designed to introd
前两个实验设计来使学生熟悉常见的细胞组织结构,接下来八个实验则专注于特定的器官与器官系统病理,最后两个实验则是设计来介绍两个专精而重要的医院病理。 |
The first two listed are general summaries.
首先列出的2个是总的概要。 |
The first two minutes can make or break an interview.
面试的最初两分钟就能决定一次面试的成败。 |
The first two papers below are quite elementary and non-technical and are passed out at the very beginning of the course.
以下附加阅读材料的前两篇非常基本并且没有很多技术细节,我们会在课程开始的时候分发下去。 |
The first two, name and title are just plain text fields, so we're going to use a TextField for them.
前两个,名字和标题只是普通的文本字段,所以我们对它们使用一个文本字段。 |