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At this time, slowly open the test ball valve completely, then a lot of water is discharged at the drainage outlet, close the test ball valve, the drainage device closes too, this shows that action of anti-pollution isolating valve is normal.

At this time, my agenda calls for us to be at war. 现在,我的日程上写着,我将要和你开战。
At this time, one of us (Nicolelis) moved to Duke and established a neurophysiology laboratory there. 那个时候,我们当中的一位(尼可列利斯)转到杜克大学任职,并在那儿建立了神经生理实验室。
At this time, only the mountaintops in the most secluded regions, along with portions of the ocean even touch upon the fourth dimension. 那时,只有大多数隐蔽地区的山顶以及海洋部分才有可能接触到第四密度。
At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. 在这次,人提议对厨房神牺牲。
At this time, she will pant, strain, appear restless and may perhaps vomit. 此时,母犬会踹气、紧张、不安,有时可能会呕吐。
At this time, slowly open the test ball valve completely, then a lot of water is discharged at the drainage outlet, close the test ball valve, the drainage device closes too, this shows that action of anti-pollution isolating valve is normal. 此时缓慢将试验球阀完全打开,这时排污口有大量水排出,关闭试验球阀,排污器也随之关闭,这说明防污隔断阀动作正常。
At this time, the beehives are in particular demand by farmers who have almond groves; they need two hives an acre. 那个时候,蜂箱是按照拥有杏树林的农民的特殊需要,他们一英亩需要两个蜂箱。
At this time, the two outside forces of god, one that is Christian and one that is Muslim are at all time odds. 此时,神的两类外在力量,其一为基督徒,其二是穆斯林,一直是彼此冲突的。
At this time, we all very miss him. 我们想告诉他:我们永远是你的学生,你永远是我们的老师。
At this time, we want to make some changes and determine to follow through on those changes. 与此同时,我们希望自己有所改变,并决心为之付诸行动。
At this time, we will give you a brief introduction of the festivals in China and abroad which can help you get to know more about the oriental and western culture and tradition. 在11月份的英语沙龙活动中我们简单地向大家介绍一些中外节日以增进大家对中西方文化的了解。

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