She thinks small beer of painters, …-Well, we don't think small beer of ourselves.
她瞧不起画家……——不过,我们倒不小看自己。 |
She thinks that our jobs are at stake.
她认为我们的工作濒临危险。 |
She thinks that the day school students are very silent whenever the teacher asks questions because no one dares to raise their hands.
然而,她认为日间部的学生有问题时,都很沉默因为他们都不敢举手发言。 |
She thinks they can get married on his earnings of only fifty pounds a week but she's living in a fool's paradise.
她以为他每周只要挣50英镑,他们就可以结婚,但她是陶醉在虚无缥渺的乐境之中而已。 |
She thins as bone covered with skin.
她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。 |
She thought Charles was a beautiful man for a husband; a great deal too good for a pallid creature like Ernestina.
她认为查尔斯长得很帅,是位漂亮丈夫,要是配欧内斯蒂娜这样病恹恹的可怜虫,那未免太好了些。 |
She thought about this for a while and then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say.
妻子想了想说:女人每天说的字数之所以是男人的两倍,是因为女人必须重复自己已经说过的每一句话。 |
She thought about this for awhile and then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say.
妻子想了一会告诉丈夫,女人必须重复她们说的每件事情给男人,所以她们每天用的词是男人的两倍。 |
She thought along these lines.
女仆一直这样想着。 |
She thought he was the handsome prince who danced with her at her sixteenth birthday party.
她想他就是那个在她十六岁生日宴会上与她跳舞的那个英俊的王子。 |
She thought including this point in her opinion was within her judicial purview.
她认为作为法官把这一点包括在判决书中是她权限范围内的事。 |