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4 South Korean delegates and 2 Taleban leaders are involved in the talks, which started Friday evening in a heavily guarded Afghan Red Crescent office.

4 So big is Peng's back; the back is several thousand li in length! 鹏的背好大好大,总共有几千里长吧!
4 So perilous was this one that he was the only security officer. 仅有他一个安全员太危险了。
4 Some items affect the compatibility value between GF and party members. (某些物品可以影响队员与GF之间的相容性。)
4 Some of the orchid hybrids are named after noted personalities. 有一些混种培植出来的兰花是以有名的人士命名的.
4 Sour, sweet, bitter, spiciness and fishiness numb our taste bud so that we can't taste the light sweet. 酸、甜、苦、辣、腥等麻木我们的口味、舌蕾,再也品尝不出清淡的香甜。
4 South Korean delegates and 2 Taleban leaders are involved in the talks, which started Friday evening in a heavily guarded Afghan Red Crescent office. 4名韩国政府代表与2名塔利班领导人于周五晚上进行了会谈,会谈地点为一个被严密防卫的阿富汗红新月办公室。
4 Students: Save morality from childhood, serve the society. 生“从小储蓄文明,长大服务社会”。
4 Sun DN, Yu GL, Liu B, et al. The preparation and application of borax and lithospermi sensitive layer. Zhong Yi Yao Xin Xi. 2002; 19(3): 49. Chinese. 孙东南,于桂兰,刘斌,等。复方硼紫药膜的制备及应用。中医药信息。2002;19(3):49.
4 Sweets Boutique reserve the right to explain and amend the terms of membership. 4甜风集保留解释及修改活动细则的权利。
4 Ten copies of the Baseline Monitoring Report verified by the Independent Environmental Checker shall be submitted to the Director before the commencement of any major construction works that would affect the monitoring results. 在任何会影响监测结果的大型建造工程展开前,须向署长提交10份由独立环境查核人核证的基线监测报告。
4 Tens = condemnation; 3 Tens = new condition; 2 Tens = change. 4张十=谴责、定罪;3张十=新状况、新环境;2张十=改变。

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