Sound and perfect legislation of regional national autonomy are favorable for the perseverance of the system of regional national autonomy, improve the building step of harmonious notional society, fasten the coordinated and sustained development of minor
健全和完善民族自治地方立法,有利于坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,促进和谐的民族大家庭建设,加快少数民族和民族地区经济社会全面协调和可持续发展,实现各民族共同繁荣。 |
Sound can be reproduced on a phonograph.
声音可以藉由留声机重现再生。 |
Sound can be stored in many different formats.
声音可以使用多种不同格式保存。 |
Sound corporate governance system, teacher force strong, well-planned teaching.
公司管理体系完善,师资力量雄厚,教学计划周密。 |
Sound effects and scores may be laid down afterwards (post-production), but all dialogue has to be recorded up front.
音效和音乐也许可以放在动画后期制作的时候完成,但所有人物对话部分一定要在前期制作之时就录制完毕。 |
Sound in body, sound in mind.
有健全的身体才有健全的精神。 |
Sound insulation panels can be disassembled and re-installed to other room in case of relocation.
日后如需搬迁,隔音吸音组件可拆卸及重新安装在其他单位内,务求善用你的投资。 |
Sound knowledge &skill of Skincare,make-up and hair color.
完善的护肤、彩妆及染发知识和技巧。 |
Sound knowledge &skll of Skincare,make-up and hair color.
完善的护肤、彩妆及染发知识和技巧。 |
Sound knowledge in semiconductor physics, semiconductor device testing and characterization.
具备半导体物理学,半导体设备测试和性能的相关知识. |
Sound knowledge of process quality control for garments.
对服装整个质检过程有全面的认识. |