The fact or condition of holding property by lease.
租借通过租契而获得财产的事实或状态 |
The fact remains that she is a liar.
她是个说谎者的事实仍在。 |
The fact reveals that there is deficiency in current study on the philosophy.
这使得它们存在一定程度上的不足。 |
The fact shows that it is necessary and beneficial to take the risk analysis and management into decision-making process about water conservancy project.
实践证明,在水利工程决策过程中引进风险分析和风险管理是必要和有益的。 |
The fact shows that there are multiple perspectives characterized with family resemblance, such as the perspectives on the fundamentality of technology, the particular man-made objects and the relation between human beings and technology.
主要表现为考察技术根本问题的视角、考察具体人工物品的视角和考察人与技术关系的视角等。 |
The fact soaked into his head.
那事实牢记在他的头脑中。 |
The fact that CCTV, the national television station, broadcasts it means that we have changed our views about him.
央视作为国家电视台予以播出就意味着我们对他的态度有所改变。 |
The fact that China has signed the final act of the Uruguay Round of Gatt talks volumes about China's commitment to the new multilateral trade rules.
中国签署关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判的最后决议,充分说明中国恪守新的多边贸易规则。 |
The fact that Chinese intellectuals have come to voice such views so frankly is in itself a major change and an important step in the right direction.
中国知识分子坦白地表达了这些观点本身就已经是一种重大的变化,这是走入正确方向的重要一步。 |
The fact that Dong is held in esteem as a Confucian masteris because he draws analogies and makes the past serve the present through deducing Chun Qiu catastrophes with yin-yang, and sets a model for the Han Confucian scholars in accommodation and transfo
董仲舒所以被推为“一代儒宗”,是因为他始以阴阳推《春秋》灾异之变,属辞比事,古为今用,为汉代儒家学者随时变通转化角色意识建立了典范。 |
The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many .
大不列颠有三个国家组成的事实对许多人来说还不知道。 |