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I know what you mean,said Mrs.

I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully. “我知道人类与鱼类可以和平共存。”
I know the human being and the fish can coexist peacefully. 我知道人类和鱼类可以和平共处.
I know the situation in the country is frustrating,said Mehdi, who sells propane in Khalis. But we don't count how many times we die. “我知道这个国家的状况令人灰心,”梅迪(他在卡拉斯镇是卖丙烷的)说,“但是我们没算会死多少次,就那么一次,死前我们应该好好享受一下。”
I know their coach Baldiniexplains the former Empoli forward, and it will be very risky if we underrate them. “我了解他们的教练巴尔迪尼”,这名前恩波利前锋解释道,“如果我们轻视他们的话,那将是非常危险的。
I know this is absolutely not in any way, shape or form an emergency, but if you would give the officer my phone number and ask him to come back, would you mind? 我知道,无论怎么说,这绝对不算是紧急情况,但是你能不能把我的手机号码告诉他,让他再到我家来一趟呢?”
I know what you mean,said Mrs. “我明白你的意思。”
I know you are good at handling difficult situations, and I believe I can count on you. (我知道你擅于处理棘手问题,并相信我可以依赖您。)相信他一定不愿意让你失望。
I know you have to live up to yourself, but you certainly shouldn't expect another perfect game,Yankees manager Joe Torre said. 洋基队总教练托瑞说:我知道你不想辜负你自己,但是你当然不应该预期另外一场完全比赛。
I know you're not like that! 我知道你不想这样!
I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes, the meddler. “我知道你,这个恶棍。我以前听过你。你是福尔摩斯,爱管闲事的人。”
I know, dear, but it's Ministry procedure, and I have to set an example. Something smells good... onion soup? “我知道,亲爱的,但这是魔法部规定的,我必须做出表率。什么东西这么好闻——洋葱汤?”

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