To prove the seriousness of his crossover bid, he brought several American stars on stage.
为了证明他的文化交流的严肃主题,他也邀请了几位美国明星. |
To prove their point they scaled up a chicken to the size of T. rex and found the giant chicken probably would not have been able to stand.
为了证明他们的观点,他们按比例把一只鸡放大到像霸王龙一样大,结果发现这只巨鸡可能站都站不住。 |
To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
爲了证明此言属实,现将下列事实公诸于公正的世界。 |
To prove to everybody who i am?
去证明每个人到底是谁? |
To prove your residency, provide a copy of a bank statement, utility bill or mortgage bill.
附上银行月结单,家用水电瓦斯帐单或贷款帐单影本作为永久居住地址证明。 |
To provide / offer a smokeless / smoke-free place to have a meal, many restaurants do not allow smoking inside / indoors.
为提供一个无烟的用餐环境,许多餐厅不允许室内抽烟。 |
To provide 2nd hand flute trade on base of fair, truth and reasonable principle for the flute friends with different economic situation, we open specially this space here.
为方便大家进行二手长笛交易,在公平、真实、合理的原则基础上互通有无,为更多不同经济条件的朋友提供购买长笛的机会,本站特地开通此栏目。 |
To provide a basis for preventive medicine, treatment and health preserving of TCM.
并为中医预防学、治疗学、养生学提供依据。 |
To provide a clear guideline to the employees in respect of the expectation of the employer and at the same time provide a fair, uniform and equitable policy on work discipline.
为使员工对公司的期望有清楚的遵循原则,同时为工作纪律提出一套统一、公平及平等的政策规定。 |
To provide a code-execution environment that minimizes software deployment and versioning conflicts.
提供一个程式执行环境,将软体的部署及版本冲突降至最底。 |
To provide a conducive environment that attracts, retains and develops employees who share in the success of the company.
提供优越的工作环境,吸引、保留并发展每一位为公司成功作出贡献的员工。 |