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I didn't begin to understand this extraordinary small city in South China until I came here in the wupeng boat (black-awning boat) and visited the former residences of some celebrities.

I didn't ask any one of them to help me with the work . 我没有请他们中的任何一个人帮忙。
I didn't ask for the chairmanship, I was pitched into it. 我没有要求当主席,是别人逼迫我当的。
I didn't bargain for Mary arriving so soon. 我没想到玛莉来得这么快。
I didn't bargain for that. 那是我所没有料到的。
I didn't bargain for your arriving so soon. 我没有想到你会到得这么快。
I didn't begin to understand this extraordinary small city in South China until I came here in the wupeng boat (black-awning boat) and visited the former residences of some celebrities. 直到我来到这里,坐上乌篷船,走进名人故居,才慢慢开始了解这个不平凡的江南小城。
I didn't blame him for wanting a rink of his own, but I worried his heart would be broken as his hope failed him in the end. 我没有因为他想要一个冰场而责怪他,不过,我真的很担心:如果到最后他的希望破灭了,他可能会非常伤心。
I didn't bother to have the car checked, a mistake for which I paid dearly. 当时我为了省事没有检查汽车,这一失误让我付出了惨重代价。
I didn't buy the magazine last month; I must try to get hold of a back number so that I can catch up on the articles I missed. 我没有购买上月的杂志。我必须设法搞到过期的杂志以便能及时补读没读过的文章。
I didn't catch on to this joke. 我没明白这个笑话。
I didn't catch on to what he said because he was mumbling. 我不明白他说的话,因为他说得很含糊。

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