But if there's a floor under home prices in the nation's most populous state, there is also a ceiling.
加州是美国各州中人口最多的州,假如说,房价有底限的话,那么一定也有最高限度。 |
But if these complaints add up to the hesitant first steps toward an all-out trade war with China, everyone will lose, including American workers, whom the White House and lawmakers say they are trying to protect.
但是如果这些抱怨导致与中国之间的贸易战,那么就会导致全盘皆输,受白宫和立法机关保护的美国人也不例外。 |
But if these squalls continue, it is not just private-equity investors who will shiver.
但如果这样的狂潮持续下去,会战栗的不仅仅是私募股权的投资者了。 |
But if these two suppression mechanisms could, themseles, be suppressed, that might stop people putting on weight.
但如果细菌的两个抑制过程本身得到抑制,就意味着能够使人们不再变胖。 |
But if these two suppression mechanisms could, themselves, be suppressed, that might stop people putting on weight.
但如果细菌的两个抑制过程本身得到抑制,就意味着能够使人们不再变胖。 |
But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
9倘若自己禁止不住、就可以嫁娶。与其欲火攻心、倒不如嫁娶为妙。 |
But if they do not believe these two signs or listen to you, take some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground.
9这两个神迹若都不信,也不听你的话,你就从河里取些水,倒在旱地上,你从河里取的水必在旱地上变作血。 |
But if they do not cross over armed with you, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan.
30倘若他们不带兵器和你们一同过去,就要在迦南地你们中间得产业。 |
But if they do not cross over with you armed, they must accept their possession with you in Canaan.
30倘若他们不带兵器和你们一同过去,就要在迦南地你们中间得产业。 |
But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with desire.
9但他们若不能自制,就可以嫁娶,与其欲火中烧,倒不如嫁娶为妙。 |
But if they do not listen, I will pluck up that nation, plucking it up and destroying it, declares Jehovah.
17他们若是不听,我必拔出那国,拔出而且毁灭;这是耶和华说的。 |