The Vefsna in northern Norway is a paradise for anglers with its large populations of sea trout and inland trout, and has the second largest spawning area in Norway for the threatened wild Atlantic salmon.
位于挪威北部的维夫斯纳河因其盛产海鲑鱼和内河鲑鱼而成为钓鱼者的天堂,而且它还是挪威第二大濒危野生大西洋鲑鱼的产卵地。 |
The Velan corporate philosophy is to bring the market new and innovative valve designs with special emphasis on quality, safety, ease of operation, simple in-line maintenance and most of all, long service life.
所有这些都要求采用高质量的材料,先进的制造技术和制造全过程自动化,才能够保证以具有竞争力的价格提供最大可能的高质量。 |
The Vendor or his Solicitors referred to in these Special Conditions of Sale (“the Vendor's Solicitors”) shall be entitled to require the Purchaser to split such cheque(s) for the balance of the purchase price and complete the purchase in accordance with
卖主或在特别拍卖条款内所指的卖主律师行(〝卖主律师〞)有权要求买主以一张或多张支票支付购买价馀额,并按照一般及特别拍卖条款中之各项条件在完成日期或之前在卖主律师办事处完成买卖及本约各项事宜所订明之时间限制均极为重要。 |
The Vendor shall assign as Beneficial Owner.
卖主是以实益拥有人身份转让的人。 |
The Vendor shall for a period of 7 years …… the disclosure of such information shall not in any way operate to modify or discharge any of the Warranties or otherwise to limit the liability of the Vendor under this Agreement.
卖方应当在交易完成后7日内……但是,在任何情况下,上述信息的披露均不得以任何方式修改或者撤销附录5中规定的各项保证,也不得以任何方式限制卖方根据本协议所承担的义务。 |
The Vendor shall not be called upon or be bound to produce or procure the production of any muniments of title, plans, deeds, instruments or writings whatsoever not in the Vendor's custody or possession nor to procure attested certified or other copies of
买主不得向卖主要求交出不在卖主手上之任何契据文件图则或手稿或要求交出该等契据文件图则或手稿之证明副本或要求卖主透露该等契据或文件之内容并不能就此提出反对或要求。 |
The Vendor shall not be required to produce the original receipts in respect of such outgoings and the Purchaser is advised to check the details of payment of the outgoings by his own means.
卖主毋须被要求出示该类开支之收条正本,买主应当自行查核已缴款之各项细节。 |
The Vendor shall procure that the Purchaser acquires good title to the Shares free from all charges, liens, encum-branches, equities and claims whatsoever.
卖方应保证买方获得不容置疑的股份所有权,且该等股份不带任何押计、留置、负担、权益和主张。 |
The Venerable Baofu asked, How would you describe living beings?
保福和尚便问﹕「如何是众生?」 |
The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said Fidel Castro is battling for his life, but added he hoped the ailing Cuban leader would live for another 80 years.
委内瑞拉总统乌戈?查韦斯声称菲德尔?卡斯特罗正在奋力求生,并且他希望这位病弱的古巴的领导人能够再活80年。 |
The Venezuelan leader said on Thursday that he does not rule out the development of nuclear energy in his country.
委内瑞拉领导人周四称他没有排出本国发展核能的计划。 |