During this transfer,traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.
在这种转变中,历史学家研究历史时,那些解释新史料的新方法充实了传统的历史研究方法。 |
During this trip to Europe, President Bush also suffered a set-back to his top legislative priority of the year: comprehensive immigration reform.
此次访欧期间,布什总统的最优先考虑的立法项目,即,移民政策的全面改革也遭遇挫折。 |
During this visit, I decided to explore their attic.
其间,我决定探究一下他们的阁楼。 |
During this week of retracing the route followed by Marco Polo, many new sensations and ideas have enhanced our understanding.
这个星期我们重踏马可波罗走过的路,令我们增广见闻。 |
During this week's recitation section meeting, one member of each team gives 5 minute progress report.
10每组派一位组员于本周复习课中以5分钟报告进度。 |
During this, the astral body drifts free, slightly out phase with the physical body.
在这期间,星体躯体自由飘浮,稍稍在物质身体之上。 |
During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.
6在那些日子、人要求死、决不得死.愿意死、死却远避他们。 |
During those special years, the Organizationasked her to make clear the borderline and distinguish right and wrong, but she said, I don't know who is the inner enemy, but I do know he is a good man.
在那段年月里,“组织上”让她“划清界线、分清是非”,她说:“我不知道谁是人民内部的敌人,但是我知道,他是好人,他爱我,我也爱他,这就足够了!” |
During tour I don't aloud that banda memebrs are using drugs, I don't want to have that mess around me.
在巡演中我没有看到我的工作人员有吸毒,我也不想我的生活变的乱糟糟的。 |
During translation of advertisements, a translator should fully consider the complexity of pragmatic presupposition, thoroughly understand the pragmatic presupposition in the original text, and then, by choosing appropriate translation strategies adapt it
在进行广告翻译的过程中,译者要充分考虑语用预设的复杂性,透彻理解原文的语用预设信息,再将之置于译文读者的预设框架之下,选择恰当的翻译策略,使译文广告也能达到预期的宣传效果。 |
During tunnel construction, both the excavation and lining are on the critic path of the line-period of the construction.
摘要在隧洞工程施工中,开挖与衬砌均处在关键线路上,占用直线工期。 |