Arthur is my friend indeed.
亚瑟确实是我的好朋友。 |
Arthur is the most articulate of the brothers.
亚瑟是兄弟中最会说话的。 |
Arthur is the only person with family on the tree whose relationship is clearly stated in canon, so any of the other relationships within the Prewett, Longbottom, MacMillan, and most especially Potter families are still open to considerably more interpret
有个普里维特也出现在族谱上,而这是莫丽娘家的姓,我们可以猜测莫丽与这个普里维特之间有某种亲戚关系——是他的侄女或堂妹或其他的亲戚? |
Arthur must send that letter soon.
亚瑟,你必须立刻投递那封信。 |
Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question.
亚瑟似乎被这个问题弄得有些窘迫。 |
Arthur was reading hard and had little spare time.
亚瑟努力阅读,几乎没有空暇。 |
Arthur would have been 18 when he graduated.
亚瑟毕业的时侯应该18岁。 |
Arthur's visits caused him more distress than pleasure.
亚瑟的来访给他带来更多的痛苦,而不是愉快。 |
Arthur: God uses people like you, Lancelot. Because your heart is open. You hold nothing back. You give all of yourself.
亚瑟:上帝启用像你这样的人,兰斯洛特。因为你的心扉是敞开的。你毫无保留。你给予了你的所有。 |
Arthus Anderson (he's the one who makes funny jokes) was in fine fettle.
阿瑟•安德森(就是讲笑话的那位)情绪不错。 |
Artichoke leaf has been shown to lower cholesterol.
朝鲜蓟可有效降低胆固醇。 |