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Material along the rotation axis falls vertically toward the equatorial plane much faster.

Materazzi, meanwhile, was quoted as denying the terrorist comment. 然而,据称马特拉齐否认他说过这样的话。
Material Certification—When specified, complete chemical and physical properties of major valve components can be supplied. 材料证书—如果用户要求,可以提供主要阀门部件完整的化学和物理特性资料。
Material Handling Engineering. 材料储运工程》刊载材料储运技术(包括包装、批量储运、材料规划与自动控制、设备采购技术等)文章,介绍储运设备的设计与使用。系统,涉及计划与控制系统、管理信息系统、财政和劳资关系等。
Material Interests (Or Symbolic Politics? 5物质利益(或象徵政治?)
Material Safety Data Sheets and/or specific work instructions must be posted where chemicals are used and stored. 材料安全数据表和特别的工作指引必须贴在化学品使用和贮存的地方。
Material along the rotation axis falls vertically toward the equatorial plane much faster. 沿著转轴两侧分布的物质则快速笔直地落入赤道面。
Material already landfilled can be extracted and treated to extract recyclables and convert to cellulose fibre. 已经掩埋的材料可以进行分离和处理,以分离可循环垃圾并转化为纤维素纤维。
Material and methods: Select 8 documents about acupuncture that representative different dynasties of China history, modern four documents inquire into acupuncture's accidental monograph, excerpt relative to document and collation. 另随机选取51具新群尸体,进行局部解剖,探讨穴位安全针刺深度与危险深度。
Material control and cycle count. 基本掌握物料控制及周期计算知识。
Material copied exactly is supposed to appear within quotation marks. 抄的到底是应该出现引号。
Material culture includes the man-made phenomenon which have physical properties such as height, breadth, and weight. 物质文化包括具有长度、宽度和重量等物理特性的人造物品。

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