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The kids broke the window; it's cracked.

The kids are forcibly sent here by their parents to take courses they don't like at all. 其他回答被爸爸妈妈强行送来的孩子在这里接受他们根本不愿意学的学科。
The kids are put off learning by all the quizs. Some even start to bunk off school. 因测验不断,孩子对学习失去兴趣,有些更逃学起来。
The kids beetled off home. 孩子们急急忙忙回家去了.
The kids began to create mayhem in the garden. 孩子们开始在花园里大肆破坏。
The kids broadcast weather forecast in English. 幼儿用英语播讲天气预报。
The kids broke the window; it's cracked. 孩子们把窗户打碎了。
The kids drank up a whole big carton of juice after playing in the hot sun. 孩子们在烈日下玩耍后,把一整大盒的果汁喝个精光。
The kids glued their eyes to the TV set, watching a cartoon. 孩子们目不转睛地盯着电视机看卡通片。
The kids hurried to open their presents. 孩子们急忙打开礼物.
The kids in the previous photo were too small and their life vests could not be seen easily. Here is a bigger picture of them wearing different color vests. 前张照片的小孩太小,以致救生衣没能看到,此张较大可看到他们穿不同颜色的.
The kids love putting up the festive red and gold New Year's decorations. 孩子们喜欢挂上充满喜气的大红与金色的新年装饰。

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