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Kevin:Sorry, I don't follow you.

Kevin: I'm trying to reach my friend overseas using this prepaid phone card I just bought. Oh yeah, if it makes any difference, I'm calling from a payphone. 我正设法使用我刚买的这张电话预付卡联络我国外的朋友。对了,不一样的地方是,我是从公共电话打进来的。
Kevin: Oh, that's right. I forgot to call you back, didn't I? I'm sorry. It's been crazy around here lately. 哦,对喔!我忘了回妳电话,不是吗?真不好意思,最近真的忙疯了。
Kevin: So, your ace on that hole was a Mulligan! I don't believe it. 所以你那「一杆进洞」是挥第二杆的罗!我真不敢相信!
Kevin: Yeah, well that's cold comfort. My phone keeps ringing-off the hook with customers complaining about those USB cables you sold me. 是啊!这真是敷衍的安慰。我的电话一直应接不暇,客户不断抱怨你卖给我的USB接线。
Kevin:Actually, we've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated. I'll fax you their contact information. 凯文:事实上,我们这边自己有货运公司——中国联合公司。我会把他们的联络资料传真给你。
Kevin:Sorry, I don't follow you. 凯文:抱歉,我没听懂你的问题。
Kevin:That would be perfect. I can go there before work. 太好了。我可以在上班前过去。
Kevin:That's one - way of looking at it. You might also say this guy is brainless, he has no brain. 凯文:这只是看这件事情的一个角度而已。你也可以说这个人糊里糊涂,没脑子。
Kevin:This is Kevin Lee eaking. 凯文:我是李凯文。
Kevin:This is Kevin Lee speaking. 凯文:我是李凯文。
Kevisdaword> Hey m8 what is the most challenging thing about being a top footie star in England? 成为英格兰最顶尖的球员,最具挑战性的事是什么?

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