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Results MIP well displayed sites of lumbar spondyloschisis in cases, while SSD showed vertebral olisthy clearly although it had limitation in demonstrating spondyloschisis and lesions within spinal canal.
果 最大密度投影 (MIP)图像对峡部裂显示良好 ,例 处均显示清晰 ;

Results In the screw alone,the F-max and E-mm were(9±7)N and (7 ±)Nm respectively,and in the screw with fixator,( ±)N and E-mm (0± )Nm respectively. 果 单枚螺钉F max为(9±7)N,E- mm(7 ±) Nm,器械中螺钉分别为( ±)N和( 0± )Nm(P<0 0);
Results In these cases of hard chancre, misdiagnosis occurred to 8 cases, accounting for 9.%. 果  例硬下疳患者中 ,8例曾发生误诊 ,误诊率为 9 %。
Results Isoform of CK MM was determined in 0 children with DMD their MM /MM ratio was 0.08±0. 09, 0.78±0., .8±0. in ~7, ~0, ~ age groups respectively. 果测定0例DMD患儿血清中CK-MM亚型,在 ~7岁、~0岁、~岁不同年龄组患儿中,MM /MM比值分别为0.08±0. 09,0.78±0.和.8±0.,而0例对照组MM /MM比值为0.9±0.0。
Results Location and type: Of the , the cancer of located in right lung, in which at anterior segment and posterior in the upper lobe, middle and lower lobe, while in left, in which at anterior segment and 9 lingula lobe and lower lobe. 果 病灶部位及类型病灶位于右肺 例(上叶前段例,后段例,中叶例,下叶例) ,左肺 例(上叶前段例,舌叶9例,下叶例) ;
Results MDM showed a nucleo immuno positive rate of 9 % ( /70), cases showed a nuclear stain positive rate of 7 % of p , and 9 cases showed both positive. 果  MDM核免疫阳性 . 9% ( / 70 ) , 例 ( .7% )p 核染色阳性 ,两者共同阳性 9例。
Results MIP well displayed sites of lumbar spondyloschisis in cases, while SSD showed vertebral olisthy clearly although it had limitation in demonstrating spondyloschisis and lesions within spinal canal. 果 最大密度投影 (MIP)图像对峡部裂显示良好 ,例 处均显示清晰 ;
Results Multiple conditional logistic regression analysis showed that family history of TS,nocuous mental sitmulation during early pregnancy and highly fever (T> 9℃) were the independent risk factors of TS. 果 多因素条件Logistic回归分析结果显示 :TS家族史、母亲孕早期受精神刺激、高热 (T > 9℃ )是TS独立的危险因素 (OR = 0~ 8 ,P <0 0 )。
Results Nephroectomy was performed in months to years after Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty due to fever, loin pain and lump, pyuria and failure to remove the nephrostomy tube. 果 9例患者因发热、腰痛、肾区包块、脓尿、肾造瘘管无法拔除于肾盂成形术后 月~ 年行肾切除术。
Results No mutation in K ras,H ras at condon was etected in any of the cases. 果所有被测标本均未见H-ras、K-ras第位点的点突变。
Results Of cases complications occurred in 88cases (incidence rate, 8.%),including hepatic encephalopathy(8.%),the hemorrhage of upper digestive tract(.%),infection(8. %),and hepato renal syndrome(heyd′s sydrome)( .9%). 果  例重肝有 88例 (7 9% )存在并发症 ,常见的依次为肝性脑病 ( 8 % )、上消化道出血 ( % )、感染 (8 % )及肝肾综合征 ( 9% )。
Results Of cases, had myeloma. The majorclinicalmanifestationsofthesepatientswereperipheralpolyneuropathy(00%), pigmentation (8.%),edema (8.%),hepato andspleno megaly(9.0%and.%)andendocrinopathy (8.%). 果  例患者中 ,例伴骨髓瘤 ,其他最主要临床表现为多发性神经病变 (0 0 % ) ,皮肤色素沉着 (8. % ) ,水肿 (8. % ) ,肝、脾肿大 ( 9.0 %及 . % )及内分泌病变 (8. % )。

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