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The orbital space plane promises to be much safer than the shuttle.

The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth. 这个人造卫星的轨道,其最远点在离地球200英里的地方。
The orbital CT scan and MR imaging showed an intra-conal cavernous hemangioma just adjacent to the optic nerve in the right orbit. 利用方格黑白反转视学诱发电位仪检查,两眼原位时,潜伏值及振辐值均属正常,但是在病人往上注视数秒后,左眼之结果仍正常,而右眼显示出潜伏值迟缓。
The orbital compartment syndrome was relieved after treatment, however the visual acuity of the right eye remained no light perception. 治疗后眼窝腔室症候群被缓解但右眼视力仍然是无光觉。
The orbital gap between two GEO communication satellites is normally 2 to 2.5 degrees. 静止通信卫星的轨位间距通常在2度到2.5度之间。
The orbital module will continue to orbit the earth and carry out more experiments until its battery runs out. 卫星留轨舱在电池耗尽之前,还将在轨运行一段时间,继续进行一些科学实验任务。
The orbital space plane promises to be much safer than the shuttle. 轨道太空飞机应该较太空梭来得安全。
The orbiter disintegrated as it returned to Earth -- the first accident since the 1986 Challenger explosion. 哥伦比亚号在返回地球的时候分裂瓦解,造成1986年挑战者号爆炸以来的第一起意外事件。
The orbiter was designed to circle Venus at varying heights above the planet's atmosphere. 人造卫星是被设计以不同高度在金星大气层外环绕。
The orbiter will continue to explore Saturn and its moons for four more year. 人造卫星会在后四年继续探索土星及它的卫星。
The orbiting Discovery crew on the way Sunday to rewire the International Space Station first had to make sure the shuttle's heat shield(heatshield) wasn't damaged during lift-off. 周日,发现号轨道的工作人员在跟国际空间----,必须先确保飞机的隔热板在起飞时没有损坏。
The orca says when the Pacific waters are at their coldest, when the winter sun shines like water, a mountain that men call The Mammoth will explode and hurl smoke and flame miles into the sky. 逆戟鲸说当太平洋的海水在最冷的时候,冬天的太阳就像海水般地闪耀的时候,一座人们称为猛犸的山会爆炸,用力投掷烟和火焰到数里以外的太空。

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